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Just a friendly reminder that FSU supports #summertimechastity2021.

We feel it is a wonderful way to train the male brain to ignore the messages coming from the penis and replace that input with a need to serve women.

Try not to focus on how horny you are. But let your need fill you with a desire to serve your superiors. It takes effort. Males are selfish by nature. And untrained males are obsessed with sexual stimulation and release. But the trained male is laser focused on pleasing women, and making them happy. His need to orgasm has been refocused on a desperate desire for female approval.

There are so many ways you can serve. Use the time you would waste masturbating to list out some ideas in the comments. Perhaps we will turn it into some sort of downloadable reference material.

What is your summertime chastity mantra to help focus that little male brain where it belongs. On US. Your superiors.

Try this
"Chastity is not about my penis. It is about gaining the acceptance and approval of women."




I want to be locked in chastity forever to better serve Women.

Barney Rubble

I failed. I had an accident training. Then I masturbated to completion the next morning. Then, I went to a strip club and spent money on a woman. I betrayed my Goddess. I feel terrible. I need a c;ip to help me. I need rehab!


Many years ago oink had the same problem. oinks wasn't in physical chastity at that time but oink still had to have permission to release. GOD told oink then that oink had to beg to go to a club like that and if given permission my chastity was extended by a week and oink also had to keep track of all money oink gave away and then had to pay GOD double what oink gave away.