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Our next file is nearing completion. It is a deep guided story about torturing a stupid wimpy sissy until he cries. Guess who the sissy is.

One thing you need to know us nothing is more fun for a superior girl than torturing an irritating little sissy freak that has been beta stalking her all year.

But now she holds all the cards. And she is one arrogant sadistic woman.

What if she ask you to come up with creative ways to hurt your feelings and make you cry?

Comment your answer. We may use ideas if any don't suck.




This would be a hard one for me. I'm not sure what could make me cry. But the idea interests me.


I think the only thing that could make me cry is total exposure and showing the world my pathetic dirty secrets I been hiding so well so long, and humiliation is a hard pill to swallow if a bunch beautiful girls were laughing at me then too


I think the most dangerous thing to beta males and sissies is hope. Hope can make them cry. A few months ago, my wife introduced me to her friend. Supposedly her friend liked sissies and found them cute, so she would always hang out with me, and unlike my wife she wasn't mean, she acted kind and sweet. One day we went shopping together and she kept hinting that she wanted to buy lingerie with me. We bought lingerie on the condition that I would model things for her and she would model things for me so we would have a better idea of what fits her. When we got home she made me model it but when it came time for her to wear it, she laughed. I got curious and asked her, she said she never was interested in me as she could never be with a girly sissy beta like me and this was my wife's plan all along. Just then my wife, her lover and another well built strange man came home. The strange man was her boyfriend and all laughed at me exposed in pink lingerie. They left for a date shortly after making me clean the house. I immediately started to cry. Her bf felt bad for me and later in the evening sent me a blurry image of what looked like him taking her form behind. I cried so much that night.