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(edit we realize that the file started with part 2... the original online was much longer and we had to shorten it. The edit did not get changed in time and we needed to get this out the door to you. We have been very busy.)

As an inferior who was socialized in the patriarchy, it can be very difficult to know how to be a perfect beta male. We understand. This is the whole reason the Female Supremacy University exists. To educate males on what they are, and what they should be doing. And this file cuts right to it.

It will fill your mind with the things you need to focus on as a beta male. We know that you want to serve women. But we also know that you are so inferior. And so easily confused. That you might wonder what someone like you can do.

It really is simple. Stop thinking of yourself. Just think of women. And add this training file to your life. It will help greatly.

Download at the link below.

Patreon - How To Be Female Supremacist Beta Male-sm.zip




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How to be a Female Supremacist Beta Male | TEASER EDIT | Female Supremacy for Beta Males

It is time to stop focusing just on female domination and fetishism. This is not a game centered around the male fantasy of being dominated. This is Female Supremacy. We are here to teach you how to behave. How to serve. And even how to think. As a beta male raised in the patriarchy you have been lied to. These lies have created a false male ego. And that ego is fueled by your toxic masculinity. But we know what you really want. You wish to serve women. To obey them. And to worship the female at all times. Because you understand that she is better than you. Society has made you fear this understanding. This truth. But this file will help you fix that. You can watch the YouTube version at @female supremacy university or if you want to receive serious training. Content that is not allowed on YouTube. Please visit our Patreon.com/obeywomen The youtube edit can be found here. @Female Supremacy University please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Ole Dog

WOW, what a powerful few paragraphs. My feelings exactly. I would have written these exact thoughts if I commanded the English language so well. Great job David.


LADIES of the HIVE oink has absorbed this file several times now and oink gets more out of it every time. oink know it has a lifetime of service and celibacy ahead of it. LADIES oink is thankful to YOU for all this wonderful work that YOU do to making the lives of all FEMALES better.


The file of the patreon version does not work "How to be a Female Supremacist Beta Male | PATREON EDIT"


Repeat after me the women of FSU are the real ALPHA.


Thank You Obey Women dot Pink


Thank you @theHIVE for creating and posting this file . As a stooped male, it really helps to have this training on how to serve women!

Harry S

I just love this training video. I felt my false male ego being shredded to pieces by Superior (Women). I agree that my fetishes are working hard for Women & also, enjoy verbal humiliation. I find myself repeating "males are nothing" & "Women are everything good & wonderful". Women are Goddesses. Thank You to my Female Superiors, The HIVE & FSU. 💖


Thank you FSU! This file speaks directly to the core of beta males. Oink went extremely deep with this one after just one viewing. After two viewings it goes even deeper lol. Oink really enjoyed the portion about how damaging porn is. It really resonated with piggy as oink have pledged to be orgasm free, pussy free and also porn free. Being porn free makes using Twitter difficult as it's nearly impossible not to see a superior females sex on there. But now that the FSU has gone completely Pussy Free it makes it a no brainer where to do all necessary training. And on top of that oink am really glad that going porn and pussy free is so fully embraced and supported by the FSU. This community feels safer because of the pussy free aspect. Oink very much looking forward to the next viewing and seeing what else you cook up. Thank you FSU - you've harnessed a lifelong student and promoter:)

Michael Sullivan

I feel like Goddess should take the balls off as a right of ownership. A sissy wants her panties to fit better anyway!. Unless of course Goddess wishes to keep them around for her pleasure or baby production. A true Alpha Goddess knows She owns a betas balls I am sure. I am not sure I know why I know this but I do train with the HIVE and brainwash daily with sissy hypno porn. I imagine the balls being gone would help with the male ego training and remove the need for sex.

Michael Sullivan

How do you mastubate to doing dishes?

Tylor Parker

Great file. I downloaded a ebook on feminism already. But I have a question, what do they say at 8:00 in the clip? I can't stop hearing "take your wife" - its creepy, like motivation for suecide. But im not a native speaker so please help me understand this part correctly. Thank You


I think she says "It's gonna be your life" referring to female supremacy and being a useful male to all women.


Wow! I was captivated from beginning to end. This answered SO MANY questions I had about how to better serve women. I'm SO relieved to know I will never have to think about having sex again or looking at naked pictures of women. Thank You!


It's so much more wonderful listening the second time. "The oneness" !


Watching this after a week of no release (coming from a typical chronic beta masturbator that used to release once or twice a day) and, I can feel the power coming from those beautiful women on their bikes, oh my gosh. Oh how it'd be an absolute dream to be useful to them. Maybe clean their bikes or clean their homes, while they ride around, just enjoying their superior lives. Love this file so much.

Barney Rubble

I love my Goddess. I am so lucky to serve her. Thank you so much for reinforcing my training. I strive for perfection in my service. I love her above all.




what would you suggest? we have had trouble with every service? drop box?


Yes, Try Dropbox


Thank you very much


we just posted about this issue so that everyone has the chance to give their opinions. Feel free to comment there as well.


LADIES of THE HIVE after being away from YOU for a few months oink is trying to catch up. It seems like whenever YOU come up with a mistress piece of a training file YOU outdo YOURSELF. oink doesn't know how many dozens of times oink will listen to this file but oink knows it will shut up and listen.


our next file is literally about that saying. we are working on it now. and we hope you enjoy being told to shut up because it happens alot.


It probably should the beginning of every training file but it probably is not oinks place to make such an impertinent suggestion.


haha. we can see it now. some silly beta trying to talk over the training file. Like a crazy person yelling at a television. :) Yeah. shut up and listen.

Joe Foster

I am a bera male. I love my crush. I need her in every way. I love her in every way. I am in chastity. I have been like this for a bout a month. I am loving my chastity. I think i am slowly turning into a beautiful woman

Joe Foster

Should i continue with this way of life. I hope so. I love my crush. I want to be able to serve. And do what ever shee

Joe Foster

Needs. I am being cuckold. I will obey my crush. You would not believe what she is doing to me.


This was the best file ever! I have been in a sexless marriage for five years after admitting I was submissive. My TME still moped and complained and talked back. Feeling since I was married I am entitled. It all makes perfect sense. I should embrace celibacy and focus all my time after work and paying the bills to do all the chores and accept who I am supposed to be. Sexless and focused on service. Thank you FSU and the Hive for helping to train me. Should I tell her anything or should I just focus on my service and not diddling?


Silly question, she already knows I’m beta!


Thank you once again for educating me. Very deep and thought-provoking lecture. I will keep repeating these important lessons to myself. It is a privilege to live in the same world as Women. Women are everything good and wonderful. Males are nothing, males are tools. How do Women wish to be served, is indeed the correct question. It is one thing to call yourself a feminist or Female supremacist, but another to actually understand what Women want and how to serve them best does takes study and practise. I'm thankful for the guidance FSU gives us stupid males. I have actually been watching (Christmas) Hallmark and Lifetime movies with my Female best friend and they all have amazing Female protagonists who look for a male who compliments them. A common theme is kindness, attentiveness, and listening well. And yes, shutting up whenever a Woman speaks. So important! Nobody wants to hear a stupid male opinion. Women are smarter and more capable, stronger and more charming, so their opinions are all that matters. Women are all that matter. Don't talk to Women unless prompted. I must never forget this. I would hate to fall into the patriarchy's trap and force Her to placate my stupid feelings. I've also learned (the hard way) I can only please Women who don't require my penis. I am only happy when I'm serving Her physical needs like a Lesbian would and I am lucky to have found a Woman who also prefers that. I never get to come.

Florian Fritz

It is so greatfull what do FEMALE SUPREMACY UNIVERSITY do for beta males! THE HIVE and FEMALE SUPREMACY UNIVERITY safe my life!