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There is nothing that female dominants, mistress, and dominatrixes hate more than toxic masculinity. In fact, we believe that masculinity has become a virus, and infection. And that it is destroying our society.  

The superior woman must be in charge. Only she is smart enough, strong enough, and capable of moving humanity in the right direction.  

And we are tired of all you fence-sitters. On one hand, you swear that you understand that women are superior. That is until you are out in the world. That the little dick takes over. You swagger around and enjoy all the privileges of the patriarchy.

We want prancing, mincing, meek, obedient, males. You do not need to be a sissy to act this way. You just have to be cured of all the disgusting things society has taught you is male. Perverts, bullies. Talking over women. Just shut up and listen.

Well, when you are done watching this. Over and over. You will be programmed to reject your "maleness" and take on what women tell you is male. A good boy.

But we need to be rid of that other stuff first.

So strap in because this is a rough one!



Patreon - Toxic Masculinity Scrubber.zip




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Toxic Masculinity Scrubber | TEASER EDIT | Female Supremacy for Beta Males

There is nothing that female dominants, mistress, and dominatrixes hate more than toxic masculinity. In fact, we believe that masculinity has become a virus, and infection. And that it is destroying our society. The superior woman must be in charge. Only she is smart enough, strong enough, and capable of moving humanity in the right direction. Well this is a teaser of a file we created to scrub all the masculinity out of your poor confused brain. We will leave you clean, smelling of lavender, and ready to serve all women. To adore the Goddesses who will soon have all the power in the world. Remember. We are destroying the parts of you that are not yours. That the patriarchy burdened you with. You do not want these beliefs. You know deep down that the power and superior female is what you follow. Worship. She is your purpose in life. All women. So go watch the file. Take it in. And feel the change. The youtube edit can be found here. @Female Supremacy University https://youtu.be/yL6jw54oPEg please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


slave beast



Wow job. Several time I thought nothing for me and hided. But after a small time it pulls me back to the programming. Every time when the training starts something in my head happens. May be it is a strong dependence that you fixed in my head. I want to hide, but I cannot.

slave beast

thank you for producing this personally i feel this helps me become more beta and accept i am a loser and inferior it also helps me to maintain my strict chastity thank you


IDK if this stuff is actually real, but I can’t stop watching and listening, and now I’m talking to a Goddess about ruling my life.


Thank you so much. I will obey.


I appreciate the matter of fact way that it was explained that I should “Shut up and Listen”. I have no right to voice my opinion.


that is going to be a new mantra you will see time and again. males need to learn to instantly stop talking whenever a woman speaks.


Thank YOU ladies of THE HIVE for another magnificent and powerful file. Every day oink is feeling more inferior to all FEMALES. oink by the second or third time viewing this file found itself not "shut up and listen" to "stop thinking and listen".


LADIES of THE HIVE oink thanks YOU for another brilliant file. It gets better every time oink listens to it and oink gets something new every time. This time oink was reminded of the two superior FEMALES who previously owned oink. THEY could not understand (oinks fault) that serving was it own reward and oink expected nothing in return. Oinks fault for being male. oink apologizes to THEM and thanks THE HIVE for shredding my fme.


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/BkiqcM29RVE6HmhPvA6wHSkqP9Keix5hpMpfJN8dXQ7rpQfRjO73bkatyjuvnG6H.jpg?token-time=1719619200&token-hash=NtyiZqTrHfbOqLPDsawOBP6FSFxRrLjDJ7rzgz--g1I%3D">


Patreon created a new app so we are trying it out. But we loved the comment.


It feels so good to have my pathetic male ego smashed into bits. Until there is nothing left but a servile boy who knows his place under the control and leadership of the superior Female. I will keep watching this every day. I am male, and I am so ashamed. I am only good for serving Women.