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For those of you who do not know. Our benefactors, theHIVE, promote an annual event every summer called Summertime Chastity. It is a challenge to all the beta males of the world to stay chaste for the months of June, July, and August.

This is to allow women to enjoy their summer in peace. Because regardless of what they wear. How much, or how little. It is for their comfort and not your entertainment. And you should be focused on working, serving, and pleasing.

There is plenty of volunteer work you can be doing during these hot months. You can mow lawns for free. Do some weeding. Or wash a lady's car.

And if you are nice and locked away. You will have no reason to stand around being a pervert to unsuspecting women.



Your method of pleasing women is in respecting them and working hard to make their life easier.

And should your eyes wander, and your thoughts drift. To places you have no business thinking about. You will be getting yourself all revved up for nothing. And sleepless nights, or frustrated tears, are the only thing you will be getting.

And we promise. After 91 days your mind will change. You will grow tired of getting yourself worked up only to be left hands clenched in frustration. So you will learn self-control. Obedience. And how to be a better beta. 

This file will release on our site on June 1st.

Be ready!

FSU will be creating supplement files for Patreon members during the summer. So stay tuned.


Summertime Chastity 2021 | COMING SOON | OBEY WOMEN DOT PINK

Every year we put together our Summertime Chastity challenge. Many beta males start but only a few will finish. The challenge is simple. Remain chaste for the entire summer. From the stroke of midnight on the last day of May, its lock-down time. And that is where you will stay. June, July, and August. Three months. No breaks. Why is it needed? Because beta males are so tempted during these months to act out. Women are enjoying the warm weather. They are relaxing and catching some sun. And naturally, they are wearing less clothing. And the last thing women want to be thinking about is a bunch of beta males disrespecting them. This is unacceptable to the HIVE! Women are not wearing swimsuits to give you eye candy to look at. As you creep out on beaches and troll swimming pools like a pervert. No, we wear them to, as strange as it sounds, to go swimming. To feel the sun on our skin. And generally, just enjoy ourselves. The patriarchy has taught you that women exist to stimulate you. Our culture says the female body is here to entertain the male. But that is wrong. She is here to rule over you. To control you. And her body is hers. Not yours. And men need to respect that, even in their thoughts. And besides. You are beta. You should be thinking about serving women. Working hard all summer so she doesn't have to. Putting in extra hours to fund your crush's vacations. That's what should get you excited. This is not femdom. And she is not your mistress. This is just being polite. Beta males do not leer at women. And so. This summer you will have a little reminder of what is expected of you. So behave. And show women the respect they deserve. And we promise. By the end of the summer. You will be the most docile, obediently spineless male, the women in your life have ever seen. And that is really what they deserve. Isn't it? The full training file will be releasing on June 1st on our site. The female supremacy university will also be releasing some supplementary material over the summer. ----------------- This is a creation of the HIVE! You have been warned. OBEYWOMEN.pink @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



I’ve started. I don’t know how I will be able to do this. I’ve never gone 1 month let alone three. I am imagining the frustration becoming uncontrollable by the end of June.