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The Patriarchy has really done a number on beta males. On one hand, you get all worked up thinking about women treated like garbage. This is natural. The metaphor of beta males as garbage is something that actually adds up. Because unless they are trained. And accept their roles. They are worthless to women. And things that have no value are thrown in the trash.

So you need to show a woman you have value. You need to serve her. Obey her. And respect the female gender as a whole. Certainly, more than you respect yourself.

Because women are more important. 

But then your false male ego gets all upset. It tells you that you need to have her respect. That she must see you as an equal. That false male ego was imposed on you by the patriarchy. And it is going to be painful keeping it at bay.

But this file can help. By making you such a little brown-nosing ass kisser that no woman would ever see you as dating material. She will lose total respect for you and have no problem treating you like dirt.

And from this foundation. You will attract women who can make you useful to them. They can ignore you, or laugh at you. But you are always thankful for any piece of attention they give you. Because they are women. And their existence is the only thing that gives your life meaning.

And if you train with this often. Every woman will know that you accept this reality and are ready to be their boot-licking, ass-kissing doormat. Someone they only think of when they need something. These women will be able to pick you out in the sea of false males in the world. And put you to work. But only after that false male ego is trapped in its cage. Contained. Far away from interacting with women. Because they certainly don't want any part of that.

So keep training. And your ego will be completely destroyed. So you do not screw up any more chances.



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How to Suck Up To Women | YOUTUBE EDIT | Female Supremacy University

As a beta male, you have not been properly educated on how to properly interact with the superior female. All that has been modeled for you is men pursuing them romantically. MEn treating like equals. Or worse, the chauvinistic way the patriarchy sees women as objects to be owned and subjugated. Oppressing women. This is all your silly brain knows. Well, this file is going to address all of this. It will cover complimenting women, thanking women for interacting with you, and in the extended version, busting that false male ego so it does not mess up your interactions with women. This is very important. Most males, even beta males, try to hold on to a little self-respect when interacting with women. Their pride will not allow them to truly suck up to women. You fear that she will not respect you. That she will walk all over you. Laugh at you. And manipulate, and use you. But you are beta. This is your role. And you need to let every woman in your life know that you have accepted this. That you understand that she should not respect you. If she has any respect for you at all. She might find it difficult treating you like the inferior you are. So you need to train. You need to educate yourself on how to spinelessly grovel. To be weak and submissive. This is your place in female supremacy. This is your life. And this file will get you started on the road to removing all that garbage the patriarchy taught you. You need to learn how to grovel, fawn, and bootlick. Every woman in your life. Because women are superior and males are inferior. And the lubrication that allows you to even interact with her, the glorious, perfect, amazing female, is sucking up. Brown nosing. And kissing her behind, figuratively. In the most pathetic way possible, without making her uncomfortable. As always this file reinforces the idea of respecting women. Always giving them the space they desire. Making sure that you are not asking her to subjugate you. But that you are elevating her. And never making her uncomfortable around you. She calls the shots. She initiates the interactions. And this file will help you know what to do, instinctively, from there. Please listen often. And join our Patreon for exclusive content that will help you accept your beta male nature. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



I was guided down this path to the T. I'm alone now and desperately trying to find my way back to cherishing being rejected, used and humiliated . I need this back in my pathetic life again or I will be sad loser forever


Compliment and suck up to women is something so exciting to do, I love doing that with my wonderful female friends 😍. Thanks FSU for your powerful trainings, and you all are so intelligent and superior to me 🥰


It says the file is no longer there :(


FSU videos are so GREAT and STYLISH, I'm the number one FAN. I will do my best to be a model student. 🍎


The task is difficult but the reward is FABULOUS. Thank you so much for the ❤.


I can’t wait...I got called into work tonight and am going crazy until the end of my shift.


Thank you for creating this file


This would be my new favorite training, it is really intense and aggressive yet educational and pleasurable. Thank you.

Nathan david Gurevitch-markwick

I don’t know if it’s the autistic component in me or simply that I have a fucking awesome mother and that I was raised in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 with no television 📺 out in the hills, or perhaps it’s just that I’m the son of god and I have always understood that and understood it without ego getting in one’s way at least not mine but having to filter out almost eight thousand million people who have patriarchally indoctrinated egos that’s the hard part but at least I have all the gifted plants and seeds and ones ability to make good use of them I truly feel for every woman in the USA 🇺🇸 from what I can tell it’s literally the most patriarchally corrupted place on the planet.

Harry S

I love this training file. It makes me feel so inferior and beta. I find myself repeating "Women are my Superiors" over & over. Women are Goddesses, I feel like garbage next to them. Thanks, FSU for training me to be more beta.💖😍💖


I have another problem. I am danish and I understand english, but not as well as needed. It is all right in videos with english subtitles, but I can actually not use "Make it horny lock it up" or "Suck up to women" because of the missing subtitles. I would like very much, if I could understand the spoken text. Can you help - please? I really need to be a better husbond for my wife and I hope these files can help her.


we just do not have time to add subtitles. and some files are not appropriate for youtube. its a problem because not everyone likes having all of them on youtube. we may offer written direction in the future.

Tylor Parker

Ok so I didn't have time to watch the full video. So i I played it on headphones while sleeping at night. Adn wow it gave great results. Can't wait for some free time to watch it properly. I was super primed (1mo of multiple daily edges). Thank You Hive!


My wife doesn’t really understand what a Beta I am but I still have started doing as much as I can to make her life easier. Her best friend has never liked me and always thought my wife could do better. She has become my focus of compliments and extra service. I can see a combination of amusement and contempt come from her all the time now. She teases me about how she needs to take my wife out for more “girls night” out for some real fun. I tell her as directly as I can that I support ANYTHING that will make my wife happy.. I think she is finally starting to believe me. Thank you for this video I’m watching it over and over thinking of more ways to compliment and serve the women in my life.


Does the superior woman at the end tying her flannel shirt have any deeper meaning?

Michael Y

Interesting enough, “sucking up to Women “ is what I’ve been doing practically my whole life without truly understanding why. This video filled in all the blanks for me in every way. It’s like every instruction is so relatable and spot on. Complimenting Woman in non-sexual ways, being useful without expectations, and being able to be a silly little inferior for amusement and ridicule was further reinforced and embedded in my beta brain. FSU has me all figured out brilliantly and completely. I wish to be more beta.


our goal is to help you understand yourself so you can serve and obey the female. glad it is working.


Thank you for teaching me!


I really like her style, necklace, belt, attitude, flannel...she looked great!


LADIES of THE HIVE and FSU oink thanks for YOUR kindness and generosity in creating this file. Every day oink gets even more overwhelmed by YOUR insight, intelligence and beauty.


but never forget. we are creators. we want you to see the insight, intelligence, and beauty in all women. that is our mission. beta males love adore and serve all women. but we are very glad you find our work so inspiring.


I hope that it is not wrong to fantasize about kissing and sucking on my crush’s bottom. I don’t want to objectify. I just want to serve.


you need to channel that energy into service. that is what the training is for.