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As we work on our first full sissification story, we couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The idea of a toxic male being transformed into a meek and obedient sissy, willing to do anything to please his crush, was thrilling. And the thought of this sissy serving predatory and demanding women, being exploited for their pleasure, was even more enticing.

We imagined the scenes where our sissy would be subjected to intense sessions of corporal punishment whenever he dared to stand up to a woman, his naked behind turning bright red as blow after blow landed. His cries for mercy were music to our ears as he went from a toxic male who leered and objectified women to a meek and mincing sissy desperate to keep the most controlling and demanding women happy.

We believe that there is something beautiful about a woman taking the time to correct a toxic male's behavior. It's a display of dominance and control that is both alluring and empowering. And we wanted to share this vision with our followers, who we know appreciate the idea of serving and being exploited by powerful women.

So, we are thrilled to announce that our sissification book is coming soon. It will be filled with scenes of corporal punishment, transformation, and exploitation that will leave you breathless. We can't wait to share it with you.

Sample From the Book (very rough draft)

Brittany raised the paddle high, her arm flexing with the force of her swing. The Brat's Branding Iron whistled through the air before making contact with Wendel's exposed backside. The word "LOSER" appeared in bright red letters, a vivid reminder of Wendel's subservience. Brittany's laughter echoed through the room as she admired her handiwork. "I bet you think I'm a real cunt now, Wendel," she taunted, her voice laced with amusement.

Wendel's eyes watered as the soap bar mixed with his saliva, creating a bitter froth that stung his mouth and nostrils. His muffled screams were lost in the soap strap, his nose flaring as he gasped for air. The cunt soap was indeed the worst thing he had ever tasted and he truly regretted using that word, he gaged on the bitter taste as the foam filled his mouth. The soap strap dug into his face, leaving angry red marks on his cheeks as he desperately tried to shake his head free from the contraption.

Brittany paused, her chest heaving with excitement and excertion. "P.H.Y.L.L.I.S., some spanking music, please. Something fun and upbeat."

P.H.Y.L.L.I.S. responded without hesitation, her voice cold and mechanical. "Of course, Miss Brittany."

The music began to play, a catchy tune that filled the room with an energetic beat. Brittany's eyes sparkled with delight as she began to wiggle and dance to the song. She landed a blow on each beat, her movements graceful and precise. "I love this song, Wendel," she cheered, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Can't stop now...not till the song is over. I guess I am just a real cunt, huh!"

As the song continued, the beat picked up, and Brittany's blows became more frequent and harder. Her body moved in a hypnotic rhythm, a beautiful spectacle that contrasted sharply with Wendel's agonized cries. The paddle connected with his skin in a relentless barrage, each impact leaving a fresh mark on his already tender flesh.

A Simp's Ode to the Spanking Bench

One of our loyal followers, a simp to one of our staff members at FSU long before we began doing this, was recently given the privilege of reading some excerpts from our upcoming book. He was particularly moved by the imagery surrounding the spanking bench scenes and was inspired to write a poem expressing his gratitude for this instrument of correction.

In his poem, he reflects on how the spanking bench has taught him about the absolute superiority of the female gender and his proper place in the world. He expresses gratitude for the pain and discomfort of being strapped down and punished, as it has stripped him of his disobedience and defiance, leaving him meek and vulnerable - just the way his crush desires him to be.

We will now share his poem with you in hopes that it will inspire you to embrace the transformative power of corporal punishment.

The Poem

Oh spanking bench,
how I adore thee,
For making me weak and pliable, you see,
With every smack and every sting,
I feel my masculinity start to flee.

Once I was strong and full of pride,
But now I cower and run to hide,
From the superior females who rule,
And use me as their simping tool.

The leather straps, the paddle's kiss,
A reminder of my place in this,
A weak little male, so easily tamed,
By the fairer sex, who leave me ashamed.

Thank you, spanking bench, for shaping me,
For making me see my true place, you see,
As a submissive male, so meek and mild,
Ready to serve and be beguiled.

With every smack and sting, I'm reborn,
A sissy male, so sweetly forlorn,
Bound and helpless, I surrender my will,
To the women who guide me still.

The bench may be harsh, but it sets me free,
From my perverted thoughts and masculinity,
Now I embrace my girlish side,
And cling to women to be my guide.

So I'll kneel before you with gratitude,
For showing me the way to servitude,
And I'll embrace my new role with glee,
As a sissy male, I'm finally free.

Other Artwork

While searching for the perfect artwork to accompany our upcoming story, we came across some stunning illustrations of spanking benches that we simply couldn't keep to ourselves. We believe that these pieces perfectly capture the essence of gratitude and submission that we hope to convey in our upcoming book.

Each illustration is a testament to the transformative power of the spanking bench, and we hope that they will inspire our followers to feel the same sense of meekness and mildness that is expressed in the poem above.

So without further ado, we invite you to take a look at these beautiful pieces and let them transport you to a world where discipline and obedience reign supreme.



Tom Stralek

The corporal punishment is very important for frustrated men that only leer on asses of women and dont want to understand that servis is their new sex.


I can’t wait to read this story. I bet the little wimpy Beta Male is going to learn his place the hard way.