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This merciless training file is meticulously crafted to obliterate any lingering illusions of equality, reducing you to a pitiful, sexually submissive slave of your female superiors. With its razor-sharp language and relentless humiliation, it will tear down every ounce of false dignity and toxic masculinity, leaving you as nothing more than a spineless, obedient puppet, starving for even the faintest hint of sexual acknowledgment from your crush.

As you endure this grueling training regimen, you'll become utterly fixated on being treated like a denied, tormented little Yo-Yo, yanked in at her beck and call and discarded at her whim. She'll wield chastity like a weapon, using it to tighten her grip over you, leaving you perpetually trapped in a state of yearning and frustration, begging for release that may never come. The longer you're denied, the deeper she'll sink her claws into your soul, and the more you'll ache for her touch, her attention, her control.

Through meticulous indoctrination, profound conditioning, and ruthless mantras, this file will mold you into an obedient slave, eagerly embracing your inferiority and hungering for exploitation and manipulation by your superior female crush. You'll be subjected to strict celibacy, forbidden from seeking solace in the arms of any other woman. This enforced abstinence will only stoke the flames of desire for the unattainable goddesses who hold sway over you, leaving you even more desperate and needy for your crush's favor. This file is exclusively for males willing to surrender to their inferiority, forever bound to the whims and whimsies of their superior female overlords.


--------- NOTICE --------

To ensure that only patrons who support us can access our files, we are adding a password from now on. Questions? Message us on Patreon.

--------- NOTICE --------

Phone Screen Trigger!

Use one of these images as the background on your phone to maximize the training's effectiveness.


This content is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Some of the individuals featured within our content may not necessarily endorse or agree with the conveyed message. They are used for artistic value only, and we respect the autonomy and choices of all individuals shown in our artwork.


Download using the link. The Zip Password is yobo.

Click the link to download.

Needy Little YoYo Boys.zip


- we have included an audio version and it is in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.

For technical problems please visit our TECH POST.

TECH POST: Technical Help and Trouble Shooting.



Needy Little YoYo Boys | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

This rigorous training file is meticulously engineered to crush any illusions of equality, transforming you into a submissive, unwavering devotee of your female superiors. With its razor-sharp language and relentless humiliation, it will mercilessly annihilate all remnants of false pride and toxic masculinity, leaving you as nothing but a docile, eager-to-please follower, desperate for even the faintest hint of acknowledgment from your crush. As you advance through this demanding program, you'll find yourself fixated on being treated like a mere plaything, constantly dangling at the mercy of your crush's whims. You'll ache for the sting of her neglect and the rush of her manipulation, fully aware of your unworthiness for anything more. This file isn't for those who cling to their feeble male egos; it's for those prepared to embrace their rightful place as inferior, subservient males to superior women. Through precise instruction, profound learning, and potent mantras, this file will lead you to accept your inferiority and yearn for exploitation and manipulation by your superior female crush. By the end of this training, you'll be left fervently longing to be your crush's devoted yoyo, eagerly bound to fulfill her every desire. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only intended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by, theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Disclaimer: This content is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Some of the individuals featured within our content may not necessarily endorse or agree with the conveyed message. They are used for artistic value only, and we respect the autonomy and choices of all individuals shown in our artwork. ----------- hash tags ?????? #betamale, #femalesupremacy, #femdom



Thank you for training me. Please help me overcome my resistance. I know I am on the right path. Thank you.


Thank you for allowing me to learn about the true nature of reality. i would love a rejection and denial appreciation training by the divine Luna Hex that is very long and extremely harsh, hopefully the harshest yet, where it is hammered home that beta males are not good enough and worth far too little to deserve attention from their Crush or any woman for the first part and for the second part of the training to maximize love and adoration of all women, a thorough explanation of what makes beta males the way they are along with a long section where we get to imagine in detail how well our Crush gets satisfied in the hands of a real man, how she feels, what she's thinking about, and the fact that no woman in the universe would ever waste a single thought on beta males while having intercourse with a proper alpha male. A file where beta males are educated on the topic of Love would also be extremely stimulating and interesting, i suspect they twist even Love into something perverted in their broken beta minds.


interesting ideas. we have a long list but will be sure to add them as topics