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Whew, this one, despite being a 4-paneler, was another struggle for me. I swear I used to draw fight scenes better than this >.>  Well, y'all know I don't think much of my art anyways, so I'll spare y'all another self-pitying ramble this time and just say I hope y'all like this one!

I plan to have the next strip up a little sooner next week and I still want to get back up to doing more than one update a week, but I'm not making a lot of progress yet. But I will, so just bear with me while I get my feet used to the blisters again~

Thank you for reading everyone and thank you for your support, I'll see y'all back here soon~ Love y'all~ <3




I love how defeated she looks


The power of Laura, channelled through Trina, while Sixx and Ginger watch. The big reunion. It's giving me some butterflies alright!


You are tearing us apart... The defeated look, the hits that gets deflected... Love your comic as always ^^


I am loving how Sixx looks, this is exactly what I was hoping for when Fiona mentioned that she wanted to do this story. I just can't get enough of seeing such a powerful dominant rendered helpless. ^_^


Spectacular work Princess!


Love it. Really think it all looks great and appreciate very much that you continue to release the comic &lt;3


Some really awesome action packed artwork here, so please don't sell yourself short... And wow, things are really getting intense here, with Trina desperately trying to land a hit on Blackstone; but every single attack is being blocked with ease, something which is really riling Trina up with every passing second; which potentially could cause her to slip up (with anger and frustration getting the better of her) and get taken down hard? And now we have also learnt more about just what Laura has been doing here (sharing pure Atlantean mana with Trina, the effects letting Trina boost her own dominant mana up to the point where she seems able to fight Blackstone on what appears to be equal footing) could potentially end up doing Trina far more harm than good in the long term, especially since Trina's body can't take this constant strain and Blackstone might also be playing around here, lowering her own abilities to Trina's level, to make it last longer. Also very interesting to see a brief crack form in Aventurine's persona in the very first panel, one which reveals the original Ginger showing some genuine concern for one of her lovers, even if it was seemingly only for a brief moment and she went back into full Aventurine mode again, with Blackstone's influence just too strong for Ginger to resist; at least not when all her links with the others is either suppressed or totally destroyed! And seeing this event happen right in front of her seems to have made Michelle break a little more, as she is now slowly starting to lose hope that Blackstone can actually be defeated; especially when she has also lost her own connection with Trina and Laura... How exactly will the group actually defeat Blackstone though, if all of her abilities in the real world are so powerful? It seems to me that the group's best bet might to take their battle with Blackstone back to the mental plane again, only this time around; they'll be ready for her tricks and work together from the very start. But we will see soon enough!


Love it! I hope Ginger and Sixx would looking at each other, "weak" up from this broken state and join the fight. Gooo Team Sixx!


It kills me to see Sixx look the way she does in panel 2.