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So after taking stock of everyone's comments I set to work on this idea I'd been kicking around. I won't give away the details yet but this is pretty indicative of what to expect. Fetish and sexual-based stories like Collar(ed)6 that revolve around this universe's version of Mistress Sixx. And no, this isn't set in the OG Collar6 universe. I have my reasons. Which are mostly that I don't want to be bound by it's lore >.>

Yes, I'm still going to work on Collar6. Working on the next one for an early week release in fact. I just intend to increase my output, and this largely B&W project allows me to work faster.

Thank you everyone for your feedback and comments. I hope this latest project manages to capture some of you in the way Collar(ed)6 seems to have. By all means, leave your feedback below and let me know what you think of this new strip. I'll be back in a few days with the next og Collar6~

Oh, I included the pencils of each panel just in case any of you want to see how this thing came together~




Oh my I'm looking forward to this ^^ can't wait to see more

Jason Wyatt

Love the art style. I am glad your trying other things. It’s always good to mix things up from time to time. I am looking forward to seeing where this goes


This is nice. also everyone welcome to the Sixx Multiverse :D


Definitely curious to see where this goes! I’m already digging the new color scheme.

Juy Juka

Hi, very beautifull. Greetings Juy Juka

TF Commando

When I saw the title, I thought it'd be the one where the C6 cast were in a kinky fantasy RPG world. But this is great too. :)


Great use of black. Very striking. Kinda reminds me of good Frank Miller work.




I don't know it has a Sin City vibe, in a good way of course😉


So damn Hot! It's like Japanese prints, simple, but exciting. I like it.

Stefan J Neylon

Interesting art style. It's not my favorite, but it's nice every once in a while.


Well now, this alternate storyline certainly seems like it might be a very interesting one indeed, with both Laura and Michelle having in an extremely kinky looking relationship here; wonder if it's just business as usual for Michelle (with her working as a dominatrix for hire, maybe having some of the other main C6 characters as clients, each of whom may have their own unique kinks), or are the pair still lovers this time around as well? The lore for this setting certainly seems like it could be interesting indeed; maybe with a flashback sequence at some point potentially showing us how exactly this version of Laura might have first met up with Michelle here and got drawn into the fetish lifestyle. The art style is also really interesting indeed; with what Kelly was saying about it being a little like Sin City in appearance being true, this color scheme making both of these characters look very different indeed, but also still easy enough to ID the pair as being two new alternate versions of both Laura and Michelle; so very nice work here indeed! Certainly curious to see what'll happen next, but whatever you do will be really cool...


Its seems, to the sugar candy on the stick)))

Wild Card

I love the look of this strip, mostly black and white with spot reds and yellows. I would love to see more like this.


I think the style really works for this. Sets a different atmosphere from the main comic. If it's also faster to make I'd say that's a big win/win. Looking forward to seeing more. I missed the discussion in previous post because I've been busy this week. But a fetish focused side comic like this one would have been my main suggestion. My other suggestion would be more pinups and sketches.


Loving the alternate art style!! It's a really strong contrast to your usual, which is super impressive! Looking forward to whatever comes next in this or any other endeavor!!!