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*Edit: I tweaked the colours a bit to make it more to my liking.
**Edit 2: I added a bunch of the pencils that I didn't use for the strip, including some sketches that helped me get the feel for how this was going to go.

I really thought this was going to be an easy one, but a week later and here we are. I've got a bunch of discarded and half-assed penciled stuff that didn't make the cut I'll pack up and add to this update sometime this week.

First of all, I'm not happy with how this came out. At all. I was so happy with the first panel only to squander it with terrible follow up panels, lousy, unclear choreography and terrible panel arrangement. I can't help but think I used to be better at drawing fights. I wonder if my testosterone levels being so low are a factor at play. Or maybe I just suck, lol.

Secondly, yes, Trina stole Azurite's boots. She couldn't very well fight in those pony hoof boots she was locked into. Afterall, she doesn't have Judiciatrix training like a certain red head >:D

Thirdly, yes, Trina's hair has turned into magical flame. No that doesn't make any sense. I'm just anime-ing this thing because I can. Er, sorry about that >.>

I hope y'all liked this one, even if I don't (well, besides the first panel). As always, please leave any comments you have for me below. I assure you, I read *every* comment , even when I don't reply~

Thank you all again for the support and continued interest in this little clusterfuck of a comic I've got. Love y'all and I'll check back before the week's out to update this post with the discarded sketches for this strip~




Ooooh...time for a brawl!

TF Commando

"Thirdly, yes, Trina's hair has turned into magical flame. No that doesn't make any sense." It's metaphorical flame... she's burning mad! Easy!


With the power flowing through Trina and her emotion right now, it makes perfect sense her hair does that.

Great Scott

Nothing wrong with the hair, nothing wrong with the blue boots -- both are perfectly reasonable things to do/have happened. I'm annoyed that Trina is being so easily countered in 2/3 -- but that will help the ultimate vanquishing of the purple demon that much the sweeter (in a few more strips). Take your time, it's going well.


It's frickin amazeballs!


Oh yes that colour change DOES make it all the more dynamic.


Agreed on the colors. And honestly, I think the second and third panels are good because they show how the fight shifts against Trina (at least for now). The background of the second panel is a lighter color, so it feels like Trina’s initial attack has less of an impact than she hoped... and then the third panel has a very clear sense of motion.

Great Scott

Color change good. You also changed the dialog on panel 4, simpler than before. It changes the tone a bit, but I think it'll be better this way (the other was almost a bit too arrogant).


^^ Seem Super Badass Tina will encounter ... ehr... not a wall... wall isn't strong enough... and DON'T fight back... ^^ Fi ^^ You always does awesome work ^^


Yeah, this outcome was kind of what I was expecting to happen here, even if a tiny part of me had been hoping that one of Trina's attacks would successfully connect and do some minor damage to Blackstone, forcing her to take the whole situation a little more seriously (given how that facial expression Blackstone is showing off in the third panel seems to be a very smug one indeed, with it appearing to say 'was that really your best shot?', or that's how I was reading it), given that she's been treating this whole situation with Trina as a minor distraction from her own plans, while also being kind of curious to see if her foe could actually show off something special that would catch her interest! Blackstone is just not going to be taken down with raw power alone though, especially not when Trina's behaving like a hot head (a statement which is quite literal in this case, thanks to how the power boost she's getting from Laura has taken form); she needs to fight smarter... Maybe work out how to use her new powers in a more indirect fashion? But I do have to wonder, will Ginger slowly start to remember the truth about who she is, while she is holding onto Michelle's reins (as Blackstone toys with Trina); given that the mental alterations Blackstone's done to Ginger was seemingly a much less refined process than what has happened with Michelle, meaning there might be some way for Laura to potentially restore that link on her end, if she could communicate it to Trina.

Wild Card

I like the flame here. And that fight is not going as well for our heroine as expected. Hopefully Michelle will be able to come out of it now that Blackstone is not making physical contact with her.


I keep seeing You putting yourself down, apologising for being late or criticising your art, and I can't help but feel you are far too hard on yourself. We're not here out of pity or charity, we genuinely like your art/stories and are willing to pay you for it. That should tell you that we're pretty happy with what you're doing and you're only hurting yourself with such harsh criticism and high expectations. I feel this strip works very well, the first three panels tell an easy story of a curbstomp fight, and I can't see any difference between the first panel and the subsequent two. That tells me that they're just as good as the first, and you needn't be so harsh when you're producing such great work. I look forward to seeing more of the cast in bondage, particularly the usually dominant ones, but I also look forward to the eventual arse-kicking Sixx and her subs will undoubtedly dish out to Blackstone. Perhaps we'll even get to see Blackstone as a ponygirl? ;) PS: Minor typo in panel 4: a horse has reins, a monarch reigns.


These raw draws, are magnificent! They, step by step, reveals, how this strip was created. It is really a pleasure, to be witnessed how all the processes are executed.

Lattimer Pines

I messed up tonight I lost another fight Lost to myself, but I'll just start again I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground But I always get up now to see what's next Birds don't just fly They fall down and get up Nobody learns without getting it wrong

Lattimer Pines

I also like seeing the preparatory work. Understanding how something is made is just as interesting to me as seeing the finished product.


A lot of it really isn't worth seeing, believe me on that. Most of the time it's just spikey stick figures and me crappily sketching out reference poses as I try to understand just how the hell people's bodies move and contort so weirdly. I am trying to include more though!