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I included the sketchy concepts for Sixx's outfit at this point in the story for those of you who like to see that sorta thing~ I apologize there wasn't really any action this time around, but I wanted to be all dramatic and show a post-breaking Sixx. Well, a post-having-her-link-to-Laura-severed-Sixx really. Next time: there will be a throwdown, so I hope y'all don't me if I dust off my old shonen influences (minus the filler of course)~!

Please leave any feedback or comments below, I read every single one of them (even if I haven't been responding so much lately. Sorry, depression has been a real bitch these past couple of years >.>

I'll see y'all in roughly 5 days (provided everything goes according to schedule) with a new one (or random art if I am met by art block)~ Y'all stay safe out there, it's a crazy world we're living through right now. Love y'all~!




I love it


I have a feeling Blackstone just made a serious mistake. And potentially a fatal one.


Absolutely loving the sketches Fiona. And loving Aventurine's reaction to seeing Red Knight, is she surprised that Red Knight was broken so quickly or surprised to be seeing Blackstone.


Oh my god. I do not like seeing Sixx looking so sad.


To be honest, Sketches of Sixx is cooler than a color bar, for my taste. This is My personal opinion. But don't get me wrong, the final strip is great. I just, personally, like these sketches a little more than the final drawing, that's it. Matter of taste.


mmmMMMMMMMMMMmmmhhh! Looking forward to the Right way of Taming!>:D


I think it's the former. And also surprise at Sixx's new outfit (so to speak).


génial!!!, perso j'aurai préfère la voir dans une tenue bien plus humiliant que ça! mais c'est un bon début !!!^x^


I've been waiting for this reveal with immense anticipation, and it did not disappoint! I love the girls, and I'm eager to see them get back to being happy, but I am also just living setting them put through the peril wringer.

Wild Card

At first, I thought that I missed a strip between the previous one and this one. But reading them both back-to-back, they flow right, nothing missing. Once of the problems with this being a weekly strip, sometimes you forget where things left off.


It is absolutely everything everything i thought it would be. Great job! Very much enjoyed this reveal


Beautiful... Absolutely beautiful... It tingle all the right parts for me


This gave me shudders in all the RIGHT places! You draw Sixx in peril sooooo well!


This whole situation just like the second arc of SAO rankles me soooo hard >.< I just want to punch Blackstone so freaking hard. In saying that, this is proof your storytelling is amazing, and I can't wait for the climax x3

Rob abram

I love six's outfit and the sketches of the alternates


Aesthetically I prefer the more complicated designs, but from an actually having to draw it and in universe standpoint, simpler feels better. Makes sense Blackstone would leave Sixx as exposed as possible to continue to grind her down.

Jon Jory

From somebody that has periodically suffered from depression (never diagnosed or medicated), I know how severe it can be. A number of years ago, my mood would get so dark that I actively considered suicide via intentionally rolling my vehicle, but always managed to pull myself back. My medication is my cat, since I knew that my mood wouldn't get that dark while I had a pet in the house. So I perfectly understand any delays and will enjoy anything that you do produce. Regarding the current strip, love the look of shock on Ginger/Aventurine's face, the broken look on Michelle's, and the angry "super saiyan" look on Trina's. I wonder if the resulting smackdown between Trina and Blackstone will be enough to break whatever Blackstone has used to contain Laura, and if so, then all hell will break lose when Laura finds out what Blackstone has been doing to her family.


Oh boy, whatever will happen next seems like it's going to be very interesting to watch, even if the fight might not end up going the way that Trina is hoping for; at first anyway. Her temper really seems like it has just boiled over (maybe with an element of Laura's own rage having been brought out as well, thanks to the shared link between the pair) though, after she got a good look at Michelle's current situation (with the redhead now appearing to have truly been broken and defeated by one of her foes, something that has never happened before, even during any of the previous times where our heroes were on the ropes and were staring defeat right in the face) because of Blackstone's actions, with even an altered Ginger appearing extremely shocked that this event has come to pass (potentially due to the unaltered part of Ginger's mind having held onto a hidden hope that Michelle could pull yet another miracle out of thin air, like she's done several times before [with Laura's aid], and successfully defeat all their current foes)! But Michelle's just got nothing left to give right now; thanks to being drained of her will to keep fighting back, both by Blackstone having countered all of her earlier attempts at either escape or putting up resistance without any apparent difficulty (which might have destroyed whatever confidence Michelle might have had) and all the Paixao Raiz bonds she had created with the others being cut off (it causing Michelle to experience some serious withdrawal symptoms and giving Blackstone an opening she could use as a way to bypass whatever defenses Michelle had left), leaving only Trina (with some mana support from Laura via the mental link) to try fighting Blackstone all on her own... I guess we are about to see just how powerful Blackstone really is now, along with just how much work Trina and Laura will have to put in here, in order to try and defeat her?


I'm sorry to hear that Jon. Alot of people I've talked to keep pets to help them and I'm glad yours is giving you the love and support you need. For my end of things, I had two suicide attempts between 2019 and 2020, which resulted in a week stay in a mental hospital. The most miserable experience I've had to date. I'm kept on 120mg of cymbalta and have frequent therapy as a result. Even with all that, I do struggle, sometimes extremely hard. My partner does her best to keep my spirits up and primarily, I keep going for her. Everyone needs something to live for, right? Re;C6: Trina doesn't quite know what's happened to Ginger or Sixx yet, but she knows something is seriously wrong. Laura, unfortunately, has experienced the weight of both of the severed connections and is in severe psychological pain at the moment, which is translating to more power for Trina.


I must confess a certain amount at wicked enjoyment in putting them through these trials. While I don't enjoy making my cast suffer, I do enjoy exposing their vulnerabilities and opening them up to more emotional development (and putting them in various compromised situations). I'm glad you're enjoying it Noan, good to hear from you again!


I actually prefer working in B&W/pencils, but people respond much more to a cleaner, polished aesthetic with full colours so I do what the audience responds to~


Elle sera dans des choses plus humiliantes et caoutchouteuses avant que cela ne soit fini ;)


Thank you! I love it when a villain makes me hate them to their core, it makes the eventual payback so much more satisfying~ >:D


Honestly I prefer the more complex ones too, but I want to start out kind of bare bones and have it become more complicated as she's trained further. She has to earn her latex back too!