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I included a couple of discarded panels from the original script in which Trina was going to fight a jacked up Linda. It occurred to me that even powered up via Ginger and Blackstone, Linda wouldn't be any match for Laura-powered Trina right now and I decided to just get on with what's coming next. I uh, hope y'all don't mind fight scenes >.>

I'm up and running again after my break, even if I'm not at full capacity (as evidenced by the art in this striip). On the new year's I got a fortune cookie after ordering out that read, "Better to do something imperfect than nothing perfectly". I took that as a clear message from the gods to get my ass back to work.

That said, my new year's resolution is to improve my output so I've settled on delivering a new update (either comic or standalone art) every 5 days. My focus will remain on C6, as it's ultimately my heart and soul and has been for... what, going on 14 years now? So uh... yah!

Here's to hoping 2021 is a better year for EVERYONE. We desperately need it to be after last year's never ending shit festival. See y'all on the 12th~




Amazing work as always Princess.


I'm glad to see you back, and I hope you take your resolution as a chance to be kinder to yourself about your art! You will always be your own harshest critic, so I hope you remember that whatever you make, we the audience will always be happy to see it! Like this strip, I'm so hyped about the idea of a Flash Stepping Atlantean Mode Trina!! It's cool as heck and it's put a smile on my face at the end of a very long day, in spite of a niggling toothache, an oncoming headache, and a generally blegh kinda mood, so thank you!! Thank you for giving me something to smile about on an otherwise not very smiley day!


As one already said, take care of yourself firstly. Be kind to yourself. We love you first and foremost.

Great Scott

Post that fortune in large letters by your drawing desk -- it has spoken wisely to you. (This is a good continuation -- you didn't need an extra fight scene, which means you made a wise decision too.) Hang in there!


I don't mean to be offensive, but can it be that "Stablesister Adventurine" (Ginger) looks the way you feel?:( (she looks tired and emaciated!:/)


The sketch of Trina, reminds me Kora, from Avatar series, in "Avatar state". Same glowing "empty" eyes. Gorgeous.


"The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last"

Wild Card

And so the story resumes. And me without my popcorn. Thankfully I have time to make some more.


Oh wow, sure seems like Trina's after channeling a fairly large part of Laura's cheerful personality (her default nature, barring those times when she'd either has to deal with Xor, or anything else which ended up smashing down on one of the very few berserk buttons Laura possesses) here, given the way in which she greets Ginger here (it also completely deflating the whole dramatic mood which had been building up here), right? The Aventurine personality which Blackstone had created from an aspect of Ginger's own nature (Blackstone having done this as a way to keep all of her prisoners divided and unlikely to cooperate with each other) seems to be totally flatfooted by this whole turn of events, either not being very used to such a drastic personality shift (along with a casual display of power that appears to bend reality, given the burst of speed which let Trina close the distance between both of them so quickly, before they could react); or maybe it's the fact it is coming from Trina, somebody who Ginger may have viewed as being one of the more normal members of their group (sharing that role with Ginger herself); especially when compared to the major powerhouses like Michelle and Laura. It's also really good to see that Trina actually remembers that Ginger's one of her close friends and she's also very worried about her health (since a part of me had wondered if Trina also wouldn't remember their connection, partly due to Blackstone's influence making her focus completely on Michelle); hopefully she can restore Ginger very soon! But Blackstone has made her return once more (while still referring to Trina by the title she'd chosen for them, showing that Blackstone truly doesn't care about other people; with her constantly forcing them into whatever roles she has chosen for them without checking what they'd wanted to do), with the next page potentially being the big reveal of Michelle after she's been completely transformed into her new Red Knight persona... As for those rough sketches of what could have been: a very intense combat for both Trina and Ginger? Very nice, but I do like the moment of humor you went with here. Its a very nice respite in what is going to be an emotionally charged ride for all our heroes, when they see that even Michelle (who would be viewed as one of their two strongest members in terms of power) has been overpowered by Blackstone, thus requiring the use of alternate tactics! Take as much time as you need for your work here, I'll enjoy it...


I’ve noticed the C6 thread on the Discord had disappeared. All the other topics are there but nowhere to chat about the strip.