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I'll admit, I am intentionally going for the heart strings with this one. My apologies!

Next strip will come sometime this week and will shift to another character's POV. The story keeps on rolling~ I just hope y'all are digging it, despite the necessary 'all is lost' point of the narrative we're in.

I was asked if we still have a Discord up and we do indeed, which you can access right here:


You have to wait ten minutes to post so we can snare out the bots, so sorry about that!

I hope you're all enduring out there. This year has been a nightmare, but the end is in sight! Stay strong everyone! I'll check back in this week and be back afore the week is out with another C6! Love y'all~!!!




Well, It's official, I hate Blackstone more than I ever hated Cell or even Shou Tucker.


More than Tucker? Damn, I really *did* get you in the feels! Sorry!


Oh my god her eyes! The sadness just keeps piling on...


You may consider my heartstrings thoroughly torn out, now please put them back!! Q.Q


Talk about going for the heart


You meanie! I hate you! How can you do this to us. I love you. Thanks for awesome comic

Jason Wyatt

There’s possibly going to be some sort of PTSD after this for everyone some more than others


If you or others are affected by issues in this programme, please contact the following helpline.......!


Ooooof. That is harsh. Nice work on the emotional punch.


i somehow, wanna CRY!T_T


I wanna cry too

Wild Card

So, based on this strip's cliffhanger, Collar 6 doesn't return until sometime in 2021 :-) No, you wouldn't do that to us, right?


i love this


Oh wow, how are our heroes going to get out of this mess? After all, Blackstone's just after sending Michelle into subspace and trapped her in there (since no-one else can help snap her out of this current state, all thanks to the link she had with them being inaccessible on either side, all thanks to Blackstone's recent actions), something which means that our red-headed heroine can't resist whatever comes next, with Michelle's eyes looking a lot like Ginger's (when we'd last seen her all the way back in #1123); if not even worse. Seems like whenever Trina and the others members of her current group do show up to confront Blackstone (maybe even having expanded it to encompass all of the other people who had been placed under Blackstone's mind control), they will now be facing a Red Knight who has access to all of Michelle's skills and learned talents which might not require dominant mana (unless Blackstone's feeling super confident in her ability to keep control), but none of Michelle's memories (or rather the ability to successfully connect the emotions they would bring up to the people that she's facing off against)! And I'm guessing that Red Knight outfit's would include a pony mask which would hide Michelle's face, so Blackstone could spring this reveal on those people who are facing off against Red Knight; either to help break their spirits or make them subconsciously hold back against her trump card... As for who we are turning our attention to in the next section (so we don't have to see what happens next with regards Michelle's 'special training' from Blackstone, until we get a suiting up section, letting us see what Red Knight looks like), maybe it's time that we get a glance at where Laura and Michael are currently being held; Laura now being extremely worried, after losing her mental connection to Michelle? Or failing that, one of the other people we haven't seen in quite a while: like Ginger and Linda (maybe with Linda trying to snap Ginger out of Blackstone's control), Evita (as she's looking for her own family group or someone who could help free her); or jump right back to Trina and her team, while they're making their way towards whatever their next objective might be. Whatever happens next, it's going to be pretty interesting to watch unfold; since we as readers know exactly what has just happened here, but the characters have been left in the dark (with Laura being the only person who might suspect something's not right) and most of them are probably hoping that Michelle is continuing to resist Blackstone! So their reactions to learning the truth is going to be a extremely emotional sequence...


She's not "pretending" anything. She's never experienced what it's like to be a sub, because she lacks that portion of her soul. And this isn't a good experience for her, she's been traumatized.


Everybody's going to need a lot of hugs and cuddling after this, I think... :(


Thanks, I feel a bit guilty, but I'm glad it's effective storytelling~


Sorry, I had to go in hard for the feels in order to make this storyline work :(


I'm going to move this faster than I had initially intended so you won't have to wait long for your answers!


Consider my heartstrings well and truly pulled. Bravo.