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Firstly, the next C6 will go up Sunday morning. I wanted to have it up last Wednesday but my brain and hands aren't communicating so well lately.

Nowthen, the 'what extra thingie should I do for December' question had more than a few people asking for a Christmas pin-up so that's what I've settled on doing. I'll be doing one  of these extras every month so I'll be prodding y'all for this again come January~

I'll see y'all in a day or two with a new C6, until then, stay safe everyone~



Sounds great. Can’t wait to see that.


Yes, you know, in such a cold time, the brain and hands really do not communicate well, it is difficult to cope with this ... nevertheless, I am glad to the progress of your work


That blank stare of the fourth panel sealed it. But I think I was saddened by the diminishing image of Sixx in the first 3 panels, all alone, completely lost. Can’t wait to see what happens next.