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Hi everyone, instead of a poll this week, I wanted to ask what sorta extra strip y'all would enjoy seeing for this month instead. I think it's a more personal way of understanding what my audience wants out of me~ So please, share what you'd like to see for this month's bonus strip below~



gay romance between the butterfly boys!~


I'd like to see either one of the side projects, like Julia, Winterland, or the Unnamed one from a few weeks back continued, or an out of continuity/canon strip about some day to day life with one of our beloved families.

Robert McGann

Something away from the storylines. Maybe something you've been toying with for a while but hadn't fit into the production schedule.


What about the collar 6 cast reacting to the collared 6 strip? Maybe attribute the creation of it to one of the collar 6 cast members?


I'd like either a return to one of the side comics, or a tale of a happy cow at the farm.


I wouldn't mind seeing some of your non-related strips. I love both Collar6 and Collared6, but it's been a while since we seen one of your strips with different themes like Julia. Wonderland might also be interesting considering the time of year. Your dronification strips have always been pretty hot.


I would like a Christmas themed Pin up


Would like to see either some more of the side projects; like C6RPG, Magical Girl Julia, or the Untitled Project that you had started in September? I could even see something potentially a little more seasonal in nature, maybe with one of your groups or someone brand new (your call) wishing all of your Patreon members a very happy holiday season. But whatever you decide on will be fine with me! Don't stress yourself out about things...


I'd like to see a bonus "Collar(ed)" strip. Maybe a day in the life sort of thing


Slice of life stuff works for me. Also had an idea, what if the cast found the C6 strip online?

Joshua Workman

Something Christmas themed, or an update on Magical Rubber Maiden Julia. Or a Christmas themed Julia pic.


moi j'aimerai bien voix sixx humilier en tenu de bouffon en latex dans une marche de la honte ^x^ !


I admit, anything you do is something I'll enjoy! but I'd throw my hat into the ring for one of those pictures we saw before of Sixx and the rest in a slice of life context. And I won't lie, Christmas is a lovely theme for it!


Personally, I more like Collared 6. This is cause, why I came here. But of course this is by my personal taste.


I would love to see a team of pony girls pulling a sleigh with Sixx at the reins, bringing in the Christmas or Yule tree for the manor.


More collared six

Jon Jory

I enjoy everything that you produce so in my mind it is ultimately up to you. If I was to have a preference for secondary work to be sent out, it would be Magical Julia.


What ever you want to do! You do great work! Just wish you were a bit more confident about your abilities and art! Love what you do!


I personally would like to see more Winterland dolls stuff but Ive loved everything on this Patreon


My vote goed to Collared Sixx, but i love all of them


Given the time of year, how about just a holiday themed pinup.


Holiday themed pinup:)


Personally, I would love to see a pinup of some of the girls having a run in with a big ole batch of living latex. Perhaps with most of them already fully encased and the strongest of the cast still barely struggling to stay free.


I wouldn't mind seeing more of that untitled strip that you made some moons ago.

Rob abram

i would have to say Magical Julia.


I'd actually like to see more one-off strips and pin-ups. I think the bonus strips are the a good chance for you to do random fun/sexy ideas without having to fit them into an ongoing narrative.