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Alright, this was supposed to be up around Wednesday, but things did not go how I planned at all this week. And I can't blame Thanksgiving for it since we're bunkered down here in the ol' ratty apartment. Just had a hard time getting it together this week. I apologize everyone. I plan to have the next one up mid-week of the coming week.

Subspace episodes are a little easier on me colour-wise but I'm never happy with them because they feel so plain. I hope the brighter colours made this one a little more visually appealing for y'all.

I'll put the poll up for the extra comic I'll be doing in December on Monday this week and close it on Friday so if you want a say in whatever that strip is, don't forget to vote!

I hope y'all were safe out there this past week, especially fellow USers where the holidays and the virus have made life a sort of living hell >.>

I'll see y'all in a few days when I post the poll and later on in the week with a new C6! Thank you all for your support and making this possible! Love y'all~!




is Laura breaking here, or just the Connection?


The connection. I suspect its the Riaz connection that allowed Trina, Sixx, Ginger, and Laura to connect to each other and share energies. And Blackstone is severing that connection.


I like the subspace scenes, the plain whiteness feels appropriately unusual and other-wordly, especially when contrasted with your normally vivid backgrounds.


God... as someone who's been following the comic for so long, this arc has been gut punch after gut punch, and this is so heartbreaking to see. Just gotta keep reassuring myself that things will eventually be better. Excellent work as always, can't wait for the next one.


Strange. Blackstone mentioned, she wants Michelle serve her, by her own free will. But it seems, Sixxx soul, kicked out from her again, into sub space, while her body moan, and drooling on the rack, being drilled by Blackstone. I guess, it is difficult, to have free will, without soul.


I'm so proud of you!


There's a difference between getting sent into Subspace and losing one's free will.


cant wait to see if she falls


Oh wow, things are REALLY not looking good for our heroes right now... Seems like the connection between Michelle and her lovers has either been completely shattered, or it has been suppressed to a point where Michelle won't be getting any benefits from it going forward; how will Trina be able to snap her lover out of Blackstone's control, now that their shared bond is no longer active (or if Laura may now try to link in with Trina)? And it is interesting to note that Laura and Michael are both trapped in some massive crystals, which are located beneath Blackstone's castle in a cave of some kind (which we have seen a hint of in #1124 and #1149, when both Trina and Michelle had ended up being sent into their group's shared subspace for a little while, Laura being able to provide some dominant mana, it helping disrupt Blackstone's mental influence briefly)! But it is clear to me that Blackstone is trying to play things smart, since she knows (or at least suspects) that letting any member of the group freely interact with the others, when they have not been placed under some form of mind control (especially Michael and Laura, since their raw power might potentially rival her own) could potentially allow them to disrupt her plans; so keeping them isolated or divided somehow would be her best strategy... Of course, I do have to wonder: where exactly are Nora and her partner right now? They might potentially provide some sorely needed aid to all of our heroes. But the traumatic experience we've just seen on this page, with Michelle's connections to her lovers either having been totally severed or suppressed down to a point where she can't feel her link to any of them (along with actually seeing a visual representation of what has just happen to her bond with Laura), will almost certainly play a big part in Michelle's transformation into 'Red Knight'; due to Michelle having just lost one of the final anchors to her original personality and Blackstone providing her own dominance that Michelle will be instinctively latching onto, hoping to try and fill the void which has formed in her soul, with this event having been foreshadowed in the part of the comic when we'd first got some detailed backstory about the Paixao Raiz and Michelle's very first time experiencing the effects of the root with another person (along with the very bad reaction she'd experienced, upon breaking her temporary bond with Elder Tupria)! Of course, with the mental connection between both Laura and Michelle failing; thanks to Blackstone successfully blocking their signal, it seems to me as if a few key parts of Laura's communication with Michelle might have gotten lost during this transmission... Wonder if Laura's comment about Trina was not that she would be soon coming along to save Michelle with some of their allies, but she'd instead need to be saved from her own hubris; with the new power boost having gone straight to Trina's head and making her think that this would be enough to defeat Blackstone on her own without any help? But we will just have to wait and see what happens next. It's going to be interesting to see how exactly Blackstone will take advantage of the major opening that she has just created, along with what color the comic logo in the following page will be like; the lack of any color in this page logo showing us that Michelle is potentially a blank slate now!


Nora and her partner's whereabouts will be explained, fear not~


I'm sorry to cause distress with this. I had a lot of reservations about it going into it myself but ultimately I felt it was consistent with the sort of narrative I've had up until now where I haven't shied away from sexual violence. I'll admit, there's a part of me that feels dirty doing this, and I have to remind myself that it's fictional. Many of my own personal fantasies involve these sort of 'forced surrender' scenarios which, while I enjoy as fantasy, I would never want to be subjected to in real life. This is a very awkward position for me to be in. But I'm rambling. Again, I really am sorry to be causing distress :(

Lattimer Pines

Extra details in a comic are nice, but what you can convey and imply can mean more for the story. I'll give you two examples. Brooke McEldowney has two comic strips on GoComics.com. For 9 Chickweed Lane, sometimes the Sunday strip has a lot of detail, as it does for November 29th (https://www.gocomics.com/9chickweedlane/2020/11/29). Go back a week to the 22nd. Dead simple to draw, right? Paste in the logo and draw a horizontal line in the first four panels. He's used this type of motif before. Panel five changes everything. The line is the still surface of the water Edda's diving into. A big splash in panel 6, and panel 7 shows the surface becoming still again. A very simple story told in four distinct frames. Now, let's take a look at what you just posted for C6 #1164. Michelle's posture and expression changes in the second panel. She was confused. Now she looks lost. Panel 3 is a duplicate of panel 2 at a different size, but the size shrinking from panel 1 to panel 2 to panel 3 conveys more of the feeling about being lost. The last two panels aren't in subspace any more. There's more detail, but there's a critical detail that can be easy to overlook: the bags under Michelle's eyes. That's more than an implication or a small detail. It shows that either a lot of time has passed since strip #1162 (hours? days? weeks? months?) or that Blackstone drove her into a fatigued state very quickly. So any time you're feeling down about drawing something that seem simple, remember that simple can be more powerful than detailed when it benefits the story.


Thank you, I needed this kind of positive reinforcement. I'm perpetually at war with my own brain which undercuts me at every turn.