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I *may* be enjoying myself just a little too much with this segment. I came into this scene reluctant, but I've come to operate under the mentality that it's just a power exchange fantasy like what I enjoy in my own personal fantasies (and in the likes of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books). I really hope y'all are enjoying this half as much as I am~

So for the month of December I'm going to do something I used to do, which is produce an extra strip that isn't part of the C6 mainline (like Collared6 or Julia). I'm going to run a poll this weekend to let y'all vote on what that strip will be~

I appreciate the love and concern for my health y'all have shown me and I just wanted to add that I never forget that love and it gets me through some rough nights. Thank you everyone~

I'll pop back in to read the feedback (which I read obsessively for the record) and to set up the poll for the weekend soon~ Until then, y'all stay safe out there, and to borrow a phrase, be excellent to one another~ Love y'all~ <3




this page was fantastic!

Great Scott

Make one of the poll options "surprise us", please


Please continue. It's so hot.. the whole collared6 and this is just the best.. keep going girl!


I love it I love it I love it!!!! This has been great and today's was as wonderful as the rest. Thank you!

Jon Jory

Blackstone is in for such a reckoning when Trina shows up, and even more so if she manages to rescue Laura first. It will be interesting to see if the tables get turned on Blackstone once all of our ladies are free from her influence.

Rob abram

that was awesome.


I enjoyed how each panel has a purple tint that grows darker and darker as Blackstone baths Michelle in her dominant energy. Also the change in hair colour does a great job illustrating how her personality is changing the longer she is in Blackstone's grasp. Also since she has moulded the entire country to her will it will make it that much harder for Trina and the others to save Michelle, also if they take out Blackstone the fallout in the country will be disastrous.


NGL reading this has been challenging, while the art and writing are lovely as always, I love Laura and Sixx and their family so much I just wanna see them happy, so even though I know they're gonna make it through I still have a visceral part of me that just wants to protecc! the babes and stop the meanies from messing with them.


Oh, that's interesting... I know this was probably implied a bit in earlier pages/panels, but the idea that Xor was Blackstone's younger brother is a cool surprise. And yeah, while I still really want Blackstone to get kicked in the ass by karma, I'm finding this arc a lot more intriguing than I thought I would. Keep up the great work!


Your artwork never fails to impress!


brainwashing and Mindwipe is kind of boring, but if she keeps her memories and gets trained and conditioned to like/love Blackstone, THAT would be interesting!:D


.... *writes notes for future scenes*

Pete Spicer

I think at some point her true personality will win out and she will reject Blackstone over the treatment of her family.


I just noticed that as the panels progress, more and more of Sixx's red colours are being slowly corrupted and turning into pinks and purples... absolutely amazing little detail. As well, I just noticed that since Blackstone has taken back over control as the dominant, the colour of the comics logo actually changed. I peeked back a bit and saw this has actually been happening for a while and I just never noticed! Love that little detail!


oh this is getting good though it may not happen I kinda want to see her fall and give in


Yeah, that's certainly a pretty devious plan Blackstone has just developed here: wanting Michelle to willingly choose to become Scarlet Knight (but after stacking things in her favor to make sure that it happens in the way she's hoping for; unintentionally leaving some potential loopholes that might be turned against her by Trina and the others later on), instead of just simply using her mental powers to try and brute force Michelle's submission; feeling that Michelle willingly submitting to her would both be a far more satisfying experience and also ensures the personality change might last longer! What's also a pretty impressive visual effect here, is the way that Michelle's hair looks like it's slowly changing color to a dark shade of purple from her normal red (with her eyes also turning purple) in the comic panels, showing that she's gradually succumbing to Blackstone's influence once again; but without there anyone or anything present which can help to snap her out of it this time around... It's going to be interesting to see what might happen in the next couple of pages, since things feel like we've just reached a critical checkpoint for Blackstone's plans (with Michelle no longer able to resist things with her own willpower and without allies that can provide her with help): so would we get to witness the whole suiting-up process for Michelle as her Red Knight persona, or change the viewpoint back to Trina and her group again, just as they're about to encounter the altered Ginger? As for you doing up a comic strip which is not C6 related, while I do look forward to seeing whatever options may be on offer; I also don't want you to stress out if things don't go the way you want them to: we'll be perfectly happy with whatever option you end up deciding to do or however long it takes.

Wild Card

While I am enjoying the scene, I am starting to feel that it is time to move on to the next point in the plot. We get it, Blackstone is trying to cause Sixx to submit to her by overloading Sixx with pleasure. Time to see what happens next.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy how you draw butts. :3


Provoking that kind of emotion is precisely what I'm trying to do here. I know it's a rough time for the girls, but rest assured: I'm not a fan of bad endings. Things will work out by the end of this.


I may be wrong, but the way Sixx is looking at Blackstone in the second last panel, it does look as though Sixx is succumbing to pleasure (as seen in the last panel) but there’s still a wee bit of Dominance there. She’s glancing in a “What are you doing?” sort of way so she hasn’t collapsed.....yet!

Juy Juka

Hello, your art is beautiful as always and I am looking forward to every panel you can create. :-) The following is only half about Collar 6 and half general. Out there in the not-so-wide world of BDSM/latex comics there are some great scenarios and good artists and you can find a very enjoyable BDSM/latex scene every now and then, but to me it feels like there is a very, very big urge to allays put something more into it then BDSM/latex scene - for example blackmailing, making the characters blood related, brain washing, etc. I personally find it very difficult to just find a BDSM/latex comic, where the characters truly want to share the scene with each other and all of them - empathise on all of them - want to (and do) play with each other and want to (and do) exchange power. Long rant, short conclusion: I hope you put your beautiful mind to some consensual BDSM sessions for the characters again. I fondly remember the arc about the two sisters and the dungeons and I think that Ginger never was dominated by Michelle - am I wrong? Greetings Juy Juka PS: Please finish this arc. I am also looking forward to more super-saiyajin action.

Jon Jory

Juy, are you only interested in visual art/stories or is straight-up literature also of interest to you? If you are interested in straight-up literature, then you might be interested in at least a chapter of a story I have going on my deviantart page, which focuses on consensual latex BDSM play. If so, reply to me and I will provide you with my page ID and the story title with the specific chapter mentioned.