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Not only am I not happy with how this one turned out, I'm just not happy with how anything I've been working on has come out. Sometimes I feel like I should've just been a straight up hentai artist and stopped with the idea of telling nonsensical stories.

Feh. Well, whining aside, I hope y'all enjoyed this one. Apologies it's a talky one. Thanks to everyone supporting me and making it possible for me to work on this stuff. Love y'all. 



Great Scott

There's nothing wrong with this. You're being too hard on yourself. You're doing good, and the story is progressing. Thank you.


I super love this story beat where we see that the folk who didn't get taken aren't doing nothing, and simultaneously that the villain is not being underestimated. This is both important and appreciated and you're doing so good at telling this story.

Jason Wyatt

I am liking where this Is going and that we are getting an idea of the level of power we are dealing with


So exciting! Can't wait for more! Thanks!


I like the story and worldbuilding you put into C6. Latex subs are awesome, and even better when you know who they are as a person and understand the world they live in. scenes like these add a lot more emotional impact and enjoyment to the story in a way that a set of pin ups just cant do.


Amazing and awesome work as always, you undervalue your talents, you are a spectacular artist.


Oh wow, I am actually quite shocked at the fact that Nora was left totally unharmed by Blackstone (in any shape or form), since it could potentially have been super easy for her to cover things up, if she had chosen to make the two Phantoms disappear as well. Blackstone must really have been feeling extremely confident that she could get away with making an attack on a high-ranking member of the GDA, someone who was both locally and internationally known (all thanks to Michelle being recognized as one of the people who'd revealed Xor as being a threat to the whole world and has also ended up thwarting his evil plans) though, despite clearly knowing that Nora would try to rescue her daughter; especially if the attack took place right in front of her! And judging by Nein's comments (namely how she's claiming that it was Michelle's own fault that she'd gotten into trouble with Blackstone [I'm not 100% sure what the cover story for this whole situation actually is], while she's either ignoring or unaware of the fact that Michelle would have become a potential target for Blackstone anyway); along with Nora's own comment about how all the other Phantoms have also refused to help her save Michelle (I'm thinking that Nora's partner may be her only remaining ally from that group), Blackstone's extreme level of confidence doesn't seem to be misplaced... Just how much power and influence does the Blackstone kingdom (and its leader) actually have on the global stage then, even if most countries are denying it actually exists to its citizens (or downplays its significance)? I'm guessing that it's actually quite a lot, given just how easily the Phantoms have rejected Nora's plea for help and also cut her off from their support network (them carrying out a kind of 'Burn Notice' on her in advance), despite Nora having loyally served that organization without any complaints for multiple years. At least Nein's willing to let the other remaining members of the Venus City Nine know about what has happened and will also be giving each of them a choice on if they want to join Nora's rescue attempt (with it also seeming like she is already on board, despite personally having some serious misgivings about it; only agreeing out of her loyalty to her old friend), but that 'one condition' she has given Nora (who's willingly accepted the terms of this blind deal without any hesitation, showing off just how desperate Nora is for any form of help right now) does makes me worried about what might happen next, once things have finally settled down once again from the whole Blackstone situation! I'm guessing that it might be the case Nien will either want Nora to officially reclaim her old title and positions back from her daughter (using the cover story of giving Michelle some time off to recover from her experiences), since Nien and some other members of Venus City's leadership might be starting to consider Michelle's current reputation across the world as being a double edged sword which they don't want to deal with (it drawing unwanted attention to their lives); or Nien wants Nora's help with something... Guess we'll just have to wait and see just what happens next, won't we? And I really did enjoy this more talky part (even if you are not a huge fan of it yourself), since it helps to carry out some more worldbuilding, while also showing us readers that even extremely powerful global organizations (like the Phantoms supposedly are) either can't, or won't, deal with Blackstone's plans, leaving it completely up to our heroes to try and stop her. It does make you wonder what blackmail or dark secrets Blackstone has on the group, which causes all of those who are in command of the group to turn a blind eye to her actions, even if they personally may not be too happy about the situation themselves! Certainly a curious setup to be sure... Anyone else have any theories about this then?


Your stories are amazing and I promise, without them, this series wouldn't be nearly as engrossing as it is. Keep up the great work :)

Wild Card

This episode filled in a lot of details that the reader needed. Not everything has to be action or sexual. This was a good, needed episode of the over-all story.


Actually love, I am eager to see more of how the organization works. It's been a question I've had for some time. And getting to see more members of the Council will be awesome.


I can say with certainty that I wouldn't be here is this was just a straight hentai comic! The story is what makes the hot bits even hotter!! That aside, does this mean we get to see more older ladies kicking ass? Please say we get to see more older ladies kicking ass!


Thank you! I'd get bored doing just straight hentai, I'm too in love with crappy anime tropes and cliches :P To the second question: You will indeed see more older ladies kicking ass :D


This page kinda threw a wrench in my theory that everything at "Blackstone Manor" was inside Sixx's mind. I was somewhat expecting the end of this arc to return us to when Lady Blackstone first appears in her house. And that makes the previous page all the more heartbreaking. I.....wonder where this is headed.