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Still getting my feet back under me. This little transitionary talking heads strip was a big help and not terribly intimidating. I know it's a bit on the boring side but bare with me everyone. Action is coming! I rewrote the entire arc over the past week or so. I was unhappy with everything I had and restructured the entire thing, which I hope will make for a stronger overall read.

I'm glad to read that y'all liked my new untitled replacement for Owned! I plan to start on the next strip of that right away along with the next C6. I'll be back before the week is out with at least one of the two. Thank you all for the outpour of support. My emotional state has been very fragile and I appreciate that y'all are being so supportive and loving. It means the world to me, especially during times like these. <3

I'll check back in throughout the week to read y'all comments as always, and if you'd like to chat with other readers (and sometimes me) on the C6 Discord, just follow this link:






Juy Juka

Hi, have a nice week. I don't mind talking heads. I am very sad about the destroyed rubber straight jacket. Greetings Juy Juka

Great Scott

kewlness. Keep doing what you're doing -- it's good.

Lattimer Pines

The "bare with me" typo is even funnier in a BDSM setting.


This strip isn't boring! It's a perfect hype scene!! A great little lull in the action that lets the reader catch their breath!


Well now, looks like we have got a really interesting development here. It seems like Trina's unable to remember what had actually happened when she was sent into subspace earlier on, so she doesn't recall that Laura is the one who is actually responsible for the current boost in her dominant power; one which seemingly allows her to match (or even overpower, if Trina's new assessment is accurate and not fueled by her pride) Blackstone's own! Whatever the cause of this mental block is though, it could be something that they will need to deal with ASAP, since Trina doesn't remember the fact that Laura is trapped right now (maybe because of Blackstone's mental alterations having made Trina super focused on saving Michelle above everyone else), while Michelle's current situation (with Blackstone after having taken a more direct hand in the whole pony training process) isn't going to give the redhead much time to actually think about what she had seen when Trina first put her in subspace... But I'm guessing that we are just about to jump perspective from Trina and company are (as they either plan out their next move, or have to deal with some other people still under Blackstone's mental influence), heading over to wherever Michelle is located, as she is being trained by Blackstone personally; while going through all of the motions of putting up a token effort to look like she's fighting against following her captor's orders, but just how much more can Michelle's mind take, before it finally admits defeat and accepts the new role which Blackstone has planned: that of the masked latex pony-girl Red Knight? We'll just have to wait and see, but it's certainly not looking too good for Michelle (thanks to not having the time to gather all her thoughts), unless a miracle occurs. But who knows, we might just get that miracle: if Laura can connect with her lover again inside of subspace and she's able to protect Michelle's mind from being completely overwhelmed by Blackstone influence, even if this means that Michelle's body is left acting on autopilot in the real world, which causes Trina to react very rashly! Looking forward to whatever you will come up with next... Take as much time as you feel that you need to, okay?