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Well I guess this one came out about as well as it could've. In no way am I happy with it . Whenever straight lines are involved I have to resort to the ol' line tool because my hands shake. The barebones background was a result of my being pressed for time and I hate hate HATE it. This one isn't up to what I consider passable for me and I'm sorry.

I wasn't sure about doing Sixx's hair like this since it doesn't play to my strengths and demonstrates how little mastery over human anatomy I have. I changed up Blackstone's hairstyle because I thought it looked terrible before and didn't convey the 'aristocratic bitch' look I wanted for her. I changed her equestrian outfit a little bit too, which I think looks a touch better. That boob grope in the last panel did not come out well, despite the amount of time I sank into looking for reference pics and trying again and again to get it right. Again, I apologize.

I aim to have a new strip out on Friday, though I'm not sure if it'll be C6 or a new installment of the other Owned-like strip I'm doing. Hopefully it comes out better than this one did. Anyways, y'all be safe out there, it's a nightmare world we're living in these days. Love y'all~



Jason Wyatt

Keep Up the Good Work


It's spectacular! UwU


Nothing to apologize for. This is a nice setup!


I think you are overly critical of your work. Even if you are not happy with this one, it still looks good to my eye. We, your patrons, do not expect you to crank out ‘Rembrandt paintings’. 😊


I'm beginning to suspect she doesn't really understand how consent works.

Nicholas Obsuth

your expressions are wonderful as always and I love the details on Blackstones new outfit in the third panel. Thank you for your hard work!


Wow, Madame Blackstone's new design is excellent!


Well, it looks like Michelle's really starting to hate coming back to full awareness (after being taken out without any prior warning) in strange situations where she's on the back foot from the very start. Blackstone's taking no chances with her prisoner though: those restraints look like they're pretty heavy-duty stuff and the way they're set up doesn't give Michelle much leverage to use her normal strength to escape (along with the gear leaving a major impression on her subconscious mind about how helpless she is right now; even if Michelle doesn't want to publicly admit feeling frightened), leaving her totally exposed to whatever Blackstone is planning to do next! It's also very interesting to note that both of Michelle's eyes are back to being a darker shade of green (not sure if they are fully back to her original shade though) once again, which shows us that at least some of her natural dominant mana was restored by Blackstone, during the period of time Michelle was unconscious... Is this due to a hidden aspect (or even a weakness) of the mana altering technique which we're not aware of just yet, or does Blackstone just want to break Michelle's remaining dominance more naturally and make her willingly accept the role of Red Knight? Something tells me it's the second part, since Blackstone seems pretty confident right now. Maybe Blackstone has captured some video footage of just how submissive Michelle has been acting recently (both during her training and the escape attempt), hoping that Michelle will start to question if she's been a true dominant or was only been pretending to be one all this time; just because people had expected it of her, if she quite clearly enjoys acting like a latex pony-girl! And trying to deal with that contradiction (especially if a part of Michelle actually starts to realize Blackstone may be right about it) might shake up her self-confidence enough to let Blackstone convince the redhead the Red Knight persona's closer to her true nature, than her former life... Wonder what exactly the final form of Michelle's pony-girl outfit might look like though and how it will be made? And don't worry too much about the bare background. I actually think it looks pretty suitable for the situation at hand, with it ensuring that there's nothing around for a prisoner to use in order to attempt an escape, while also being much more clinical in its nature, given this location might be where Blackstone personally carries out the suiting up process of those pony-girls which have caught her direct interest (not trusting anyone else to do so)! And the other parts of this comic look just fine to me... So don't beat yourself up over that, please?

Juy Juka

Hello, a strip/release that supprised me. How nice! And you shouldn't write so negativ about it. I realy like it, because the clear background makes it look cold and clinical - I think it fits. Both characters look realy good and the expressions are very clear and ... I don't know how to say it in English propberly, but they look powerfull and expressiv to me. I have to agree the boob grap doesn't realy work, it looks more like she is softly rubbing the boobs. Greetings Juy Juka


Thank you, I really wanted to correct her look after her initial appearance :)