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Firstly, let me thank you all for your patience. Two weeks without an update is inexcusable and I'm very very sorry. I hit total burnout and for the past couple of weeks absolutely nothing would come out. I don't just mean my art wasn't up to snuff I mean that it was like I forgot how to draw altogether. I couldn't even do basic poses or faces. Even writing was yielding nothing. It was frustrating and I was scared to hell I was going to lose all my readers, which would... not be good at all right now since y'all are effectively paying my bills with your support. So let me say thank you and thank you again for not abandoning me, which y'all had every reason and every right to. I'm stupidly lucky y'all care so much about what I do here and me personally. Thank you all.

With that said, this new strip is effectively my replacement for the comic strip I used to do called Owned, which was sort of a stress reliever and a way to do something... not so fantastical. It's the kind of stuff I initially started drawing comic strips to do and while this one did not come out to my liking (especially that horrible background for which I apologize), I was happy that I actually managed to produce something in spite of the burnout. I do intend to continue this little strip as it's kind of got some personal elements in it that are entirely self-serving and... therapeutic for me. I haven't yet given it a name, but I have a few in mind and I'm deciding which to go with.

Right now all other projects are effectively suspended except for this and C6. I think maybe I reached in too many directions trying to cover too many bases and sorta... failed at all of them. I know I can do C6. And I know I can do a silly little side strip like this one and... that's kinda what I'm good at. So for now at least, these will be my two focuses.

I'm planning to update with a new C6 this coming weekend and hopefully it won't suck. Thank you again for sticking with me everyone. Love y'all. I'll check in throughout the week to read your comments and hear any feedback you've got regarding... well, anything~!




Oh I cannot wait to see where this goes. XD


This is really cool! I hope you enjoy working on it.

Lattimer Pines

After decades of offering more and more choices, a lot of restaurants are paring down their menu so they can better serve their customers. In this case, your customers are not just us, but yourself.


It's wonderful! The backgrounds you've done on these panels are superb! You've done excellent with this.


I know a lot of people (including artists) who had a burnout, and they claimed that they felt better afterwards, as if you had pressed a reset button!:P

Dave Marron

I enjoyed the Owned strips. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Stefan J Neylon

Heh, I wonder which way that would go. The girl on the left seems more assertive.


Don't worry about getting hit with art burnout there, okay? Like I said before, it happens to everyone at least once in their lives, so it's not the end of the world if things do end up being delayed. Taking a tiny break is also perfectly understandable, we'd be perfectly alright with continuing to support you! As for this brand new story concept, I am certainly very intrigued by this rough plot so far, with two total strangers bonding over a unique fashion choice and the curiosity to learn even more... Wonder which of these two ladies will end up being the more dominant person in their relationship though? While it does seem like the girl who is currently wearing the collar does get flustered very easily and could be convinced to become the submissive by the other girl (maybe with her modeling some of the other kinky things which she has purchased, after inviting her brand new acquaintance over to view her collection of collars), it'd be much more ironic (at least to me personally) if she's actually an extremely dominant person whenever she's in her comfort zone, but she chooses to wear a collar in public simply because she likes the way they look on her! Guess we will have to see how things go...


Ah, how cute. And on a side-note: wish there was a nice area with loads of books stacked like that around here I could walk around. So relaxing.

Juy Juka

Hi, the comic is fetishy as you promissed :-) and I like it. Greetings Juy Juka

Pete Spicer

Be a little kinder to yourself, this was worth the wait :)

Wild Card

I love this one-off strip. If this is working for you, then do more of these one-offs. And if this is the start of a new short story, I won't complain there either. I like this set-up. And I know friends who would have done just this when out in public.


Thank you for everything you do! <3 life happens we all hit burnout, writers block, or life shows up and kicks us in the shins. Take a breather from time to time :) I have no doubt once you stop stressing about it you will be back better than ever <3 Look forward to what you think of next <3 always!


Oh man, please please please make the lovely woman in the green sweater dominant. Because I will squee into the heavens if you do!!! Also, be kinder to yourself. We all love you and your work, along with being okay with you taking proper care of yourself. We'll still be here. Well, I know I'll be!