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Heya folks!

As some of you may know, I have a universe and story of my own called "Red Sand," which centers around four of my OCs: Aerie, Halla, Janaan and Saffiya.

I try to update the story at least once a month on my Deviantart with the main story but, I've been thinking of expanding the universe even more behind the scenes, with concept sketches and worldbuilding lore around the universe. You're all welcome to take part in the creation process.

For starters, I'd like to ask which faction you'd like to know more about first. So I know where to start when it comes to concept sketches and lore. I want to use my OCs as a starting point so, please let me know below whom I should build up lore around first.

The Red Sand ongoing story and released lore can be found here.

Peace out folks!


Purple Paradox

Why is there no "all of the above" option XD


Frosty the Snowman Was a jolly happy soul With a corn cob pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal