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Looks like the poll has spoken: Aerie and the Sunwalkers are the top choice!

Starting off the incoming lore sketches, I wanted to introduce a bit of Aerie's family. Here is Aerie joined by two of her siblings, Ishi and Shaye. Ishi is a warrior in training while Shaye is an apprentice craftsman.

Yes, all Sunwalkers have the innate ability to control fire, but they manifest in different ways. Both Ishi and Shaye manifest their fires through the ability of combustion, being able to ignite other objects into flames. However, Ishi can also throw fireballs from her hands. Shaye is more delicate with his control over fire, being able to sear things with his fingers.

More sketches to come in time!



Purple Paradox

Looks great! I'm sure I've already said it at some point, but I love the sketch style here, where just their hair, eyes and flames are colored, really highlights them!