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Ey folks!

Two months from now, it'll be another themed month after next month's free-for-all for the Monthly Fanart Poll. Got any suggestions for the spooky month? :3

Doesn't need to be spoopy themed either, if the idea is interesting enough. I was thinking myself of suggesting "Musical Waifu" month; waifus from Rhythm games and the Vocaloids :3

Any thoughts on the matter? You got a suggestion yourself? You like the one I suggested? Share your thoughts and comment on the ones you like most so I can get a pulse check of what ya'll want. :3

Thank you and peace out!




I'm all down for musical waifu month >w>


Let's go with maids


I was thinking something along the lines of spies but we already had ninja's lately so that might be a bit too similar.

Purple Paradox

Purple gals! Be it purple hair, outfits, theme, etc! Or bunnies! Bunnies are awesome XD


MILDiD: Mom's I'd Love to DiD! Hot moms in media. ;)