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I don't recall EXACTLY when I redrew these pages but I figured you might like some extra art in your day. This is a recent redraw of pages 29 and 30 combined. For me this issue had a lot of opportunities to try new ideas.

Revelations is the 20th comic in the Growth Lab series and was drawn originally around 2016 - SIX YEARS AGO!!?! I did learn a lot from those days and hopefully you are enjoying the latest and greatest.

Enjoy, love you all and talk with you soon!


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Honestly, I didn’t think you’d make this thing go for as long as you have. Congrats on keeping this going for, what, six years? That’s impressive.


I appreciate it! Technically though, this issue came out 6 years ago. The actual comic series has been running since 2001-2002? So it's been a little over 20 years now with just the Growth Lab series.


Even more impressive. One doesn’t expect an independent comic like yours to keep going without big money like Marvel or DC, or even something like Antarctic Press giving help. Congrats on 20 years!