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  • All's Well Movie IMAX Preview 03 - Ready Art - highRes.mp4
  • All's Well Movie IMAX Preview 04 - Ready Art - highRes.mp4




So it you saw this poll about a possible image increase in the movies here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/72241754

Attached to this are two final previews before our movie this month in this larger size. Check them out and see what you think. I do like the extra breathing room they afford for the transformation area.

At this point this month's animation will have the above scenes in a cropped format! I will not be putting these clips "as-is" in the September movie. My hope here is to give you a sense of the upcoming format expansion.

Based on your initial feedback on THIS POLL https://www.patreon.com/posts/72241754 I am looking at adding IMAX scenes to October's Movie.

Enjoy these? Give it a LIKE so I know!

Thank you for your support and talk with you soon!


Some notes (from the poll page about the IMAX format idea)

  • Please consider the device you NORMALLY watch my movies on when you are looking at these.
  • The IMAX format scenes would be focused on TRANSFORMATION moments (BE, GTS, FMG)
  • The most likely scenario is moving to the larger format and still using mixed scene sizes (this is mostly to let me put all my effort into transformation sequences versus dialog ones)
  • Just know an IMAX movie with regular 'scenes' WILL HAVE THOSE BLACK BARS. There's no way around that one I know of folks!
  • Yes, IMAX movies will likely be more work but I'm hoping to keep the 7 to 10 minute a month format. I don't expect it to drop below that range but it's a possibility, I won't kid you. The tradeoff of course is MUCH bigger scenes of transformation.

All's Well (Releases on the 29th) - animations are based on YOUR votes and my story plans. I do my best to bring everyone as much fun transformations as I can! Below are subjects I do my best to make happen (within reason). So come on over and join the fun!

  • Breast Expansion, Giantess Growth, Female Muscle Growth
  • Clothes, underwear, footwear and various garment destruction
  • Enjoying growth, resisting growth AND MANY, MANY MORE! - this is just a small sample of what I look to bring to each movie. Every month we ideally have new ideas, locations and characters!

We have ALL THIS YEAR'S comics available for your to get right now.

Quick Links for new and returning patrons looking for rewards & info, check these out:




IMAX Previews are Ok. But this preview isn't so large of the other videos. Nice Transformations of Luna and Karen. :3


To be clear, the images in the previews have TWICE the area of the normal movies. Basically, you are getting double the page/canvas space to see the transformation. I can verify this since I make and render the movies. You can also verify this by comparing these MP4s to the non-IMAX ones and see for yourself. One thing to consider (and I mentioned this a few times but it's worth repeating) is your viewing device can impact your perception of the 'apparent' size. If you are watching on your phone for instance the more square format might have what seems to be MORE black space in order to be framed.