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NONE OF THIS IS SET IN STONE! I would love to hear your thoughts...

This is directed at the Movie Tier and a POSSIBLE announcement of things coming due to your kind support. I'm looking at increasing the size and format of the movies to allow more space for the ladies to 'grow' if that makes sense.

Read the bullet points, check out the images below and THEN vote on your thoughts!

  • Like I said - this is ONLY an idea at this point
  • Please consider the device you NORMALLY watch my movies on when you are voting. 
  • The IMAX format scenes would be focused on TRANSFORMATION moments (BE, GTS, FMG)
  • The most likely scenario is moving to the larger format and still using mixed scene sizes (this is mostly to let me put all my effort into transformation sequences versus dialog ones)
  • Just know an IMAX movie with regular 'scenes' WILL HAVE THOSE BLACK BARS. There's no way around that one I know of folks! 
  • Yes, IMAX movies will likely be more work but I'm hoping to keep the 7 to 10 minute a month format. I don't expect it to drop below that range but it's a possibility, I won't kid you. The tradeoff of course is MUCH bigger scenes of transformation.
  • Check out those images and vote as much as you want!

This is a sample of the format we have:

This is a sample of a larger (IMAX-ish) scene

This is the larger format with a 'regular' scene (probably a non-transformation one)


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