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First, let's be super clear - you are looking at simple exploration work above. That's just me doing a quick torso sculpt! There are no plans at the moment (in the next weeks or months) to start banging out AMAZING SUPER Marvel Studios level 3D artwork. That would take a while to say the least. 

Ok - you know I am always thinking about what I can bring you now and in the long term. One thing pretty obvious as the Patreon grows and we get more friends and fans supporting the art effort is I want to make you MORE art as quickly and awesomely as possible. 

Something I have long considered is making my OC's and stories into 3D models, sets and the like so I can do more rapid animations (at least on some level).

The current plan is to continue to bring you longer and more detailed animations hand drawn by yours truly. The animation tier has voted they would like to see longer efforts and this week we had our first DOUBLE sized animation. Ideally that will continue and we will get more animations with better quality and production value.

So why show the 3D model above you might ask? Well, as things continue I feel I will start hitting a wall of my ability to draw animation in any given month. That's not a big problem of course as long as things are jamming along and everyone is happy. Still, I wouldn't mind exploring more options and if there comes a time to add 3D models and animation to the gallery then I would like to do it.

Do you like the idea (at some point) of seeing 3D versions of characters I have created? I expect these creations would be done in my 'style' if you can call that a thing. I also would be REALLY working to bring you all the awesome clothes ripping and destruction you have come to know and love. HAHA!

I don't plan on stopping with 2D anytime soon. I love it and I might guess you do to!

Thank you for your support and talk with you soon!




Jackson Pollock

Nah, not really interested in 3D.


Hey - fair enough. You need not worry though - there is plenty of 2D coming down the line for a LONG LONG time! 2D comics and animations!

Louis Thomas

It might be interesting to see 3D mixed with 2D in the animation. Most expansion animators ether do it in 2D or 3D but I've not seen anyone try to mix them both yet.


Yah - that would probably be the initial idea. Something like 3d backgrounds traced over to look 3d or something along those lines. As I mentioned there is no plan to utterly replace my 2d work. Just exploring ideas at the moment! Thank you!


As an old 2D and actually 3D Artist I can only say: This is a good decission!


Agreed. I am certainly not looking to replace all my 2d work in one fell swoop. Mostly I think this is a nice alternative and BONUS to the work being done here on the Patreon! Thanks for the comment!