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Animation Tier ONLY!

Ok - just getting a quick read of the room. Do you think the Kris animation is a good direction for the future of the animation tier?

I'm not saying the Kris animation is perfect. I am mostly seeing if you think longer animations with longer transformations and longer run times are to your preference. Also, you would be basically agreeing to make these types of animations I would be taking a longer time. I know that seems obvious but I want to be clear about it.

This poll will be followed up with more polls and posts about ideas. I just wanted to get this one out there right away.

Also - any additional comments are welcome!

Thank you!




Additionally I would like to suggest a different voice over too. It's probably just me again but a transformation shouldn't be all the time something to "arouse" the character. Maybe once in a while depending on the situation change it to a perilish, gasping, desperate voice over.


I am guessing that the audio is canned, and not made for the animation. So that might require hiring voice actresses to play that part. Which would cost a penny or two. However I do agree, just a matter of finding a pre-recorded voice to do just that for the animations.


IMO, longer animations are best. I would be down for something even longer and higher quality. Even if you only posted one video a month. We all know you are just one person with limited time. So if it means improved length and quality, then I would even be ok with one every two months. Personally I am a fan of artist doing the highest quality content they can provide. Since I am sure I am not the only one who views videos more than once. So to that end quality for me trumps quantity every time.


What I was getting at is if you had a video that you liked. You can take the audio from it and give it to him. Then it would save him time and give him more reason to use it, and make an animation around it. Even if the audio does not have a video, it is still less work for him to do. Which is something I was thinking about myself if longer videos are going to be a thing.

Kirk Allwein

Going to pretty much echo the opinions already shared - seeing a more drawn-out transformation with the longer video definitely works better in my opinion.

Louis Thomas

If animations are gonna come out bi-weekly instead of weekly, then I hope we get an increase in comic upload to compensate.


OK - there are a few things to unpack here. One, and most important, what is being asked about in this poll can be translated to "what do you want me to spend my time on?" I'm not doing less work, I'm doing the same or MORE work than before when I make longer animations. I posted about this a few times but if we continue with longer animations that only means less 'final' releases and more preview releases in between. It's not like I am doing less work in those weeks. Asking things like "what do we get if you aren't making a final animation a week" isn't the point. Saying you want longer animations is saying that you understand this concept. I will elaborate further of course but I hope you can understand. The next thing is if you are in this tier and looking at comic packs as big reward (versus animation) then maybe we should talk about making a tier JUST for comic pack people (which has come up). I am going to go out on a limb here and guess the vast majority of people in an animation tier are looking for, well, more animation if anything.  


Thanks - I think it is a great direction too! I would LOVE to get in enough support to make these things even longer and add much more color and SFX work (including new vocals!)


Great discussion here and I only want to chime in that we can look at EVERYTHING people want. I can't guarantee it's all possible but it will all be considered. Things like the voices are currently limited in the sense I do not have a voice actress and we aren't a level where I can comfortably hire one for custom vocal work. That could happen soon. As for the aroused aspect that can certainly be minimized or removed. I do look to vary things up and I will continue to do so - thank you for the support!


Something also that is very helpful (and this comes out alot) is when you are critiquing is is far more helpful to tell me what you want more of instead of telling me what you want less of. I'm not calling you or anyone out over this - it's just the phrase along the lines of "I like red apples!" Is far more conducive to get what you want than "I hate lemons!" (I hope that makes sense)


Yah, I think that seems to be the read of many people too! The good news is we will move in that direction and YOU and the rest of the tier will be part of the process!