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OK - the people have spoken and it looks like we are staying with longer animations. Some notes:

Just reminder about the previous schedule.... THIS COMING WEEKEND WILL BE A SHORT ANIMATION! That's right as we already spoke about - this weekend will be a a one part animation. Starting NEXT MONTH we will do more multi-part animations.  

In February I will plan on making at least one, if not two, multi-part animations. By multi-part I am basically talking about taking multiple weeks to work on the animation. The latest animation took a couple weeks and I will continue with that trend. 

"What does this mean Ready?" Good question!

Running Time Increased - Workload the same or more

First - as the animation tier has voted - I will be putting my animation time into creating longer animations. This means the same time that would go into two, three or more one week animations will now be spent on perhaps ONE longer, better produced animation. Also - as previously mentioned I will be working as much or MORE on these longer animations. You will get less 'final' movies but many more previews (as we did during the creation of the Kris animation). At my current output I was making one animation short a week. At the new rate I will probably be release one or two a month but the overall quality and length will be increased to compensate. 

Transformation Focus

Generally speaking all animations will have a focus on GTS and BE with a ton of clothes ripping and destruction. That's always been the goal and that will not change. Things like environmental destruction and various expansion requests will be considered always. Not every animation can focus on EVERYTHING but I think we can cover most of what you and I love over the course of several animations. Comments and suggestions are always welcome as well as participation in the various polls that pop up on the Patreon!

GLab Universe comes to the Animation Tier

Yes, we will start having Glab characters and situations happening in the animations! Possible scenarios include the animation of YOUR FAVORITE comics as well as NEW SCENES and STORIES just for the animation tier!

Voice Acting, color, etc

These are things I want to do LOTS more of. At the moment we aren't at the place where I can hire actresses or do tons of color work. I should be clear here - it's not IMPOSSIBLE that these could happen but in every case it's more than just hiring a person or slapping on some color. There's a process in everything and at the moment it's only me. If you want to help out or have suggestions as to where I can find VO people or animation assistance - please contact me at any time here or at granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com

I will keep pursuing this avenue and if anything comes up you will be the first to know.

Bonus Work, extras and the growth of the animation tier

I see the animation tier as one of the main pillars of the Patreon. I will always be drawing comics and that won't stop. At the moment though - you have made your desires loud and clear with your votes and your financial support. You want animations so you will get them!

"But Ready, if you are making less animations what are you doing to give us more for our money?"

First, I am most definitely not making less animations. The same amount of animation is happening, it's just going to one BIG animation. If you are asking questions like the one above then you might be missing the point of the longer animations. When I make these longer animations I am spending ALL my animation time on them. I'm not simple taking one or two weeks off between releases. When people asked for the longer animations there is a tacit understanding you won't be getting the same amount of final releases. Expecting some sort of extra bonus for waiting kind of defeats the purpose of me doing the longer animations. STILL, I get it, waiting more than a week can be tough and I want to get you as much animation as possible. Here is what you WILL get.....

  • Regular animation updates in the form of GIFs and possibly MP4 previews. 
  • The Animation Tier will get the most previews BY FAR. 
  • The GIF tier will get some of these. There were about 11 GIF previews for Kris and the animation tier got all of them. The GIF tier got 4 I believe.  
  • Any bonus work or animation stuff I can put into the animation tier I will. 
  • Heck I will do my best to reward all the tiers!

OK - more to come but there you go. I will post a schedule for February in the coming weeks so you can see what's heading your way!

Thank you again for your support!





Personally i give you my money not to expect something back but to allow someone to do what he loves and what he's good for. I think you bring a lot of things to creativity itself and that's all i want back. I really like your stuff and the way you try to improve that piece after piece. It doesn't really matter if you bring content less often because the quantity remains the same and the quality is better, so it brings only positiv things. Dunno if you know the Leviathan, but this guy is doing his Chaos movie for years and I don't mind waiting because I know the more time it takes, the best will be the result. So just keep on doing what you like, take your time to do things and the result will be awesome. I'm sure of it. ;) Regards from France Blake.


Hey, really appreciate the answer and your support (along with all the other patrons). It means a lot to hear that and I really do thank you so much for the comment. As you might already know - my main goal is to give back to the community! Way back in the day when I was coming up there were so few animations, shows or even comics and I wished we had the kind of stuff we do now. I hope that my work brings you and the others enjoyment and maybe, just maybe inspires some other creators out there.


I do know about Leviathan too! Love his work and really looking forward to his next project. I agree about taking his time. his work is so good and if it takes years - so be it!