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Hello, rewards for January 2020 are sent. 

Once again, I'm really sorry I'm late....I will try not to be late next time...T_T

Please feel free to tell me if you have any problems with the file that was sent. I'll fix it as soon as possible.

I have stayed up a few nights and I'm going to sleep now.

Tomorrow, I'll go to the hospital that I couldn't go And take a rest and see you the day after tomorrow.

And I always said, Thank you so much for your support! :)


안녕하세요.  2020년 1월의 리워드가 전송되었습니다.. 

다시한번, 늦어져서 정말로 죄송합니다... 다음엔 정말 늦지 않도록 노력하겠습니다...ㅠㅠ... 

전송된 파일에 문제를 발견하셨다면 언제든지 말씀해주세요. 최대한 빠르게 수정하겠습니다.

일단 며칠 밤을 새서 빨리 자야할것 같아요....

내일은 못갔던 병원도 가고, 조금 쉬고 모레에 뵙겠습니다.

그리고 언제나 말씀드리지만, 후원해주셔서 정말 감사합니다! :)


Marcus Mendelson

Hey, I'm just glad you're able to keep putting out your work. It's consistently fantastic and I love it. Keep up the great work!


Thank you so much... T_T This month was tight, but I tried to deliver the best quality. I hope you're satisfied. :)