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A bit of a small update this time. The big changes are unlocking the camera, adding more to the starting town, updating some menu graphics, and implementing the new character models.

The new character models took way longer than expected so it ate up a lot of time this month. The big problem was that I needed to redo the hands/feet placement for every animation. Something about slightly changing the positions in the rig completely broke it. But this should be the last time I should have to do that. I don't plan on changing anything with the hands/feet any time soon. If you come across any broken/funny looking animations be sure to tell me.

There should no longer be any seam issues with the new model, no see-through armpits, if you see any discrepancies please let me know, and include what your characters stats are. The new model also starts with smaller breasts so every female character wont have huge boobs to start with. Also the thighs hips will no longer become gigantic for nearly every build. I haven't included any shapekeys for big hips, but it should be something I could easily implement in the future. There is one issue where you can see seams where the crotch and around the mouth are visible. I think this has to do with the exporter messing with the normals, because I can make them match in blender but when they move over to unreal it reverts to the old normals. The new model should be much more malleable than the last, so I can make a bunch of bodyparts fit together. All in all I would say that the new workflow was a success, and it will be way faster/easier in the future to both animate and model characters.

I did try a different rigging for the face so it would be easily editable for things like eye size and shape, but I don't think its possible with the way unreal handles bone scaling. So my plan in the future is to remove all the bones that are controlling the lips and instead use shapekeys for emotions. This does however mean I will have to make a system for emotions.

I would also like people's opinion on the new menu. Again didn't have time to completely finish it, but I like the idea of having elements like buttons, bars, and scroll arrows on the border, I want to know if its too hard to red though. I can always get the border redesigned if it is. Personally I like it, clears a lot of free space.

I added on to some of the areas, mainly the starting town, but because of the new camera you may be able to see into the void. I would have liked to work on them more but the animations took up a lot of time, I just finished re-importing the animations yesterday. Sadly that means I didn't get to polish the game any besides crushing a few bugs. But I also didn't change much with the game mechanically so hopefully there won't be any new bugs



Bobby Li

When I start up the game it just stays on a black screen


sorry I can't really help you there. Have you tried reinstalling it or tried the other version?


Everytime I attack my character stretches and shrinks and then returns to normal size at the end of the attack. Not sure if its just me but I'll try reinstalling


Another thing is every time I enter combat in the cave my character starts falling through the ground


The free camera and the starting town area looks great, I did encounter a few starting bugs: *) The face (furry/bun/shark) setting doesn't work in Character Creation. *) Setting the mouth or any attacking animation massively stretches the head and poses the body oddly. *) Just aesthetically looking, the Decreasing Stat arrow flows into the next column of text, making it hard to see. This is what I've found so far


Everything is looking much better. Strange things are happening with attack animations though, the characters face streaches, and eyes and junk disconnect for the duration of the animation.

Zelimir Zhenelov

face not change when i choose a shark face or bun face and i see many bug about model when attack or growth waiting for fix version


The new menu is fine to me though the stat points, money, and such is really small font (maybe I missed something in options?). Also another bug on the size growth animation, at least when using an essence, the character model also deforms during the animation, seems to turn back to normal after animation is finished.


Is falling off the map while accessing the beach a bug?


fix will be coming Tuesday. First im hearing about the face not changing though, going to have to look into that


To begin, thanks for your continued effort on this game. Definitely looking forward to future updates and glad to see an update that is focused on polishing up existing presentation and functionality. Here are some items I observed upon giving it an initial go. Stats: Breast 0 Legs 0 Muscle 0 Fat 0 Size 36 Equiped items: Bandana and Pearlescent Fetish Observations - The growth potion (or item in the first column 3rd row hard to tell) changes its color presentation when the R Weapon is unequiped and re-equipped. This does not appear to happen in dungeons as the potions seem to have a consistent presentation. - Having a dagger equipped in either the L or R Weapon slot prevents the user from accessing additional pages in their inventory . This occurs when the inventory is accessed from outside of combat. This seemed to only happen in the town area. - The Combat Type in 'Settings' on the menu screen is set to 'Active' but when the user enters the game it changes to 'Passive' - Not sure if its from my computer's perspective but on initial load of the town and each floor of the dungeon, the performance seems to take a hit. Everything slows down subtantially. This also appears to happen in combats in the dungeon as well. - While in the dungeon some items seem to have a different presentation notable broken sword and potions - After consuming burger or fries in combat, they remain attached to the hand. This occured in the dungeon - New town looks great - Definitely enjoying the free cam and the ability to free roam. Once again thanks this game and looking forward to more updates. I'll probably boot it up in a day or two, see if anything else pops up and report accordingly.


I'm working on trying to record it (if Streamlabs wouldn't be such a turd right now), but there is a huge glitch with the Size animation... When I created a character and added to Size, the face bones stretch "Expand Dong" style, and the genital bones fly off of the character, and the general character scale goes completely whack. Once I get it recorded I'll send you a PM. I don't know if this is affecting other people as well


inventory might be still a bit finicky. I am going to redo that at some point, have persistant items instead of spawning them in. I believe everything else has been reported. Glad you like it


Yeah its happening to me as well, when I use grow from beginning the face gets really long and stretchy like taffy and looks melted. I imported my save to the newest version and its a bit of a problem. Thank you for all your hard work and your help is greatly appreciated.


So, already found something broken. If you try to go around the big wall in the starting area and walk all the way to the edge of the cave, the camera gets stuck. Then, while trying to move around to trigger a battle or load a new area to try and unstick it, it turned and the game froze. I'll keep you updated on anything else I find, but that's a pretty big one.


Never mind. It's when you approach ANY corner that the camera gets stuck. Just got stuck next to the dungeon. Luckily able to get out by getting into a battle, but still. I know that it's probably too big for a Hotfix, and that this is your first attempt with it, but it's still quite annoying. On another note, cheesed the Barrel Master by just carting around it until my size built up enough to just spam slash and win, so that was fun!


You might set the camera to lock when talking with someone. Currently if you talk to someone and move your mouse around to select an option, it moves the camera too.


Also, attacks lead to face stretching if you're normal size, and shrinking + face stretching if you're larger. Edit: Sometimes, after buying one item, you can't buy another until you sell something. Not because of price, but because it won't register otherwise.


Only boobs? Nice game!

Wolfie Randolf

You have to select Lewd in the options menu (press the Tab key, and then select the appropariate tab up top)

Agent Shark

Alright, bugs that I found: - any time I attempt to go to the beach area, I clip through the ground and fall through the world. Occurs at multiple sizes. - over by the entrance to the ruins, the camera got stuck looking there while my character would go else where, fixable by bumbling around until I managed to leave the area - slash and size growth animation bug, though I'm sure you're already tracking that one All I found so far, great update!


noted. The last sounds like a bug with the inventory not updating. No easy fix for that I need to rewrite it


I don't know the exact reason, but when I die and reload the save I often crash. Apart from that all the bugs that have already been mentioned I also experience.


I also experience the dying and reloading save = crash. Seems to be the only time such a crash occurs. Also, at very large sizes ( > 2000size ) the character model's feet sink into the ground fairly noticeably. And at sizes beyond 5000, the free-camera bugs out and starts disabling random limbs + Not really a bug, but scaling animation speed to be slower as you get larger to match up with footfalls is probably a good idea


not really sure why but every time my character grows in game the head stretchs out all funky then reverts back to normal


I would certainly enjoy a slower grow speed for larger characters. If it is not a nightmare to code, adding growth speed as a slider to enjoy a slow burn to explosive.


To add to the pile of ideas, an in-and-out of combat size toggle. A player would be able to set from 0 to 100 percent of total size what they look like walking round the world. In combat, if the character is not at 100% of their total size, there would be a character growth sequence from their walk-around-size before combat starts.


growth speed does sound interesting. I do have a plan for how size will work. Basically being able to store size and expand later.


So will there be a hotfix, soon or later? Cause playing the game concerned on growth with broken growth animation is making me sad, and pushes me back to 0.1.5 :-/ I exprienced most of the bugs already said. Plus that new face (furry, did not try other) of character looks like from Five Nights at Freddy's or how it is written, it's looking creepy. The previous one was cute! :-( But many thanks on your work, the new city looks amazing, and I love the free camera. :-)


was the 1.6 hotfix taken down? its not appearing for me


im not seeing the hot fix either