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was able to fix most of the reported bugs. A few I couldn't reproduce, so if you get the crash when using grow from beginning send me your character stats or save file to see if I can reproduce it.

update: I fixed the issue with challenge me and enemies with armor resetting stats. I figured out what causes the game to crash, its has to do with how unreal handles master pose components. Unfortunately its too involved for a hotfix, but it should be fixed by next update.




The .exe instantly turn off my PC


Bug(?): Health gets drained down to 5 when using challenge me


challenge me works differently now. You have to give your opponents your attributes. so it will drain your health too. Makes it a bit less OP

Yahy Eeth

Why don't you return the feature that you can use slime ball and the whip without being a lich? It was cool shame you removed it.


because I want the liches to be unique. Maybe ill make something similar for the regular characters too.

Yahy Eeth

Oh, I liked how you can steal size from others without being a lich..


I had a suggestion for a mechanic with the items; Would you be able to implement using multiple essences at once? For example, either using only using one Essence (in some instances more than one of the same kind), up to using all of them at once (or many of them)? It would be good to give the players the option to be able to use multiple essences at any one time to make growth a bit more streamlined. Oh, and also, Booty scale doesn't always follow attribute scaling until an attribute grows/shrinks. Same with cock and ball scale


I really like the scaling sliders addition! Also, is there anyway to grow your junk? I see the sliders and the stats value but I haven't found any way to increase the value.


There's the Potion of Ego you can buy from the apothecarist. You can buy them after completing the Lich quest


Found a probably unintended mechanic, but I fully plan to abuse it for as long as possible. For whatever reason, it seems that as I grow Bust, my turn starts happening really quickly. Now, I do have the passive growth active, so it may be that my Size was increasing some kind of hidden stat, but it was only noticeable when I was growing bust with the Open Mind ability. It was also in Active Combat, for reference. Regardless, since my turns were coming faster and faster, I was able to essentially use Challenge Me on my enemy faster than I was losing stats, or at least it would've if I were patient enough to get my stats high enough for that, to make them so colossally big that I would gain several hundred EXP from each one. Mostly tested on Maurauders, since their battle map allows you to go outside of the trees for easier maneuvering, and I got over 600 from the one I tested most extensively on.