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Mostly cleaning up for this update.

For Active Combat. Enemies will now be a bit less aggressive, they won't attack while you have you're growing and combat will pause when the inventory menu is open. So hopefully it will be less chaotic. I added a few movement based mechanics for most of the skills. spells are now projectiles, stab will make your character move in close, strength based attacks will knock enemies away. Hopefully these will make all the weapons/skills feel different. You can now bind keys in the skills menu so the screen isn't so cluttered. NPCs now have hyper armor so not every move will stun them. hitboxes are now collision based so it should be much more accurate. My goal for active was to make it way less chaotic and use the movement to diversify combat. Its still a bit easy. Hopefully in the future I can fix this by having attacks track and having bigger crowds that will be fun to smack around.

For Passive Combat. There is no longer any movement component. All NPCs have a chance to dodge attacks. This is increased with speed. Bodyslam's max targets now scales with size, so the bigger you are the more you can hit.

Inventory should be a bit better now. It still may act a bit wonky or not update at the correct time but it should be a lot better than before.

Attribute scaling has been added to the character menu. Now you can adjust the size each attribute if you want them bigger or smaller, including cock, balls, and booty size.

The trial dungeon should now be more interesting as more stuff can appear per floor.

Synchronous animations were added. These are special short animations that can grow more than one attribute at once. Currently there are only 3, for Bust and Muscle, Leg and Muscle, and for all attributes. But the important thing is I got the system running so I could do any combination of attributes at once and always vary up the growth. Unfortunately Unreal freaks out if you scale bones during an animation so I can't do any pulse growth yet. I'm looking into another exporter that might be able to handle it

so no major new content this update, mainly updating older content, polishing some things and adding some new mechanics to old things. I have the 3 models done for the new character model and my plan is to get those out next month, which if everything goes right should be V0.2




I like the new system however is there a way to go into a freecam mode during combat?


no, I still haven't set up a free cam system yet, it will probably be next month since a lot of people have been asking for it.


I've noticed some slight graphical glitches when playing on my new laptop. I don't know if I can replicate it on my desktop, I'll get around to taking screencaps if I can replicate them. It happened when leaving the apothecarist's shop, there would be graphical remnants of the potions in the background.


it could possibly be the inventory spawning the objects in. I know you can see them in a few places like the dungeon overworld


running in to trouble with targeting in passive when your against more then 1 AI. none of the attacks you make after the first AI is dead will go to the other. not sure if its something im doin wrong when in passive or if its a bug


Great work with the update. I've encountered a few bugs/glitches, but it looks like all of the ones I've found are already on the bug tracker. Otherwise, I feel like the changes, though not all that flashy, definitely streamlined combat. As an aside, I died several times at the beginning, before I realized the change to Challenge Me. It's definitely a risk to use now. Guess we can't cheese it for xp anymore, haha.

House of arima

Having trouble eating some essences for some reason. Are we only allowed to eat one of each?


yeah I think its an interesting way to nerf challenge me, instead of just doing something like limiting how much you can grow your opponent. Makes it more challenging.


I’m not certain the cock/ball scale sliders do anything. Do you need to be at a great size to notice the difference?


I have a very small suggestion (could probably be done later down the line), it'd be nice if instead of trying to fit all the patrons on one page, the text could be scaled up to show ten at a time with some sort of scrolling to see the next/previous pages.


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/284093110462578689/705880225556463677/unknown.png Graphical bug. Began after defeating a marauder in combat in active mode, with the starting weapon. Edit: After finishing the battle again with a different weapon, it changed shape. I believe it's a glitch that's carrying over the attack cone from combat into the overworld. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/284093110462578689/705881030896255027/unknown.png


Amazing news, I am so glad and happy for your work :) Keep up the great job! ;-)


Is there a way to run from fights? Cause Lardzerker is certain death in early levels.


Is it a glitch that when fighting Bunshido, when he sheathes the Iatowashi, you get the Sheathed Iatowashi? It's pretty annoying fighting him and constantly having to re-equip the weapons I want


When I run it, it says v0.1.4 in the title screen still. I even tried blowing away the old directory and just using the 64-bit rar contents -- same thing. Where's it getting v0.1.4 from? Is there a cache somewhere else I need to clear?


Not sure if this is something or not, but when I attempted to see the All Growth animation, either the Muscle and Legs animation or the Bust and Muscle animation overwrote it. Might need some slight prioritizing of animations, but I could've just been unlucky.


its just random right now. I should probably do some priority in the future otherwise you would almost never see the ones that involves 3+ stats


For whatever reason I intermittenly on start after assigning stats to muscles (which raises health) get shunted back down to 5 health (default health) when I tell an enemy "Challenge me" with the space keybind. My strength seems to disappear as then im only able to hit for 1 when the enemy doesnt dodge now (which seems to be a thing....)


challenge me has changed. I forgot to update the in-game description. Now you have to give your opponent your stats to grow them


One more thing I noticed; When using Leg Sweep, I don't know if the enemies are getting buffed like they're supposed to. I've tried it all the time on Bunshido, but he never gets buffed


Gotcha. Perhaps the description should be changed for Leg Sweep, IIRC that didn't get changed. Also, I recreated the graphics bug on my laptop this morning, and also got a random crash within ten minutes of each other. The crash was caused when I went to fight a Thighwayman after encountering one from the brick pile in the room before the random dungeon: Graphics bug: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qeGaZfJCY-hl7icNdsT2RPRV0pkNdJaK Random crash: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N6BFgFyn1hsdhi0kI0svyJfvQ5IsWBE1


Also also, I'm sorry to keep posting over and over again, but there was another thing I noticed. In the random dungeon, if the AI is given the option, sometimes they use Wait too often, and the game will softlock and nothing can be done. I have lost so much progress so many times it's kind of frustrating


What does the white bar mean at the bottom of the healthbar?. And also some armours don't equip. I click equip and nothing happens.?