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Not much to comment on for this update, just a bunch of bug fixes and performance improvements. All the quests should be fixed now.



Wish Dragon

Just had a crash when stepping on a barrel to destroy it, did not have any like this last patch, and I'm not sure if it's one you've encountered in "crashing issues" yet. Here's the crash text: "Assertion failed: GetFName() == NAME_None [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/UObjectBase.cpp] [Line: 130]"

Wish Dragon

Additionally: "Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/Serialization/AsyncLoading.cpp] [Line: 2928] DungeonCrystalWallLockedDoor_C /Game/Maps/FarmInfested.FarmInfested:PersistentLevel.LockChildActor_GEN_VARIABLE_DungeonCrystalWallLockedDoor_C_CAT_159 was found in memory and is an export but does not have all load flags." This one appears to be consistent, happening every time while in the root area.

Jhonny Latios

Mad chimera get stuck under ground near the save point of the docks