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edit: Quick update, fixed the issue with enemies not moving in dungeons I knew it was a problem with the overworld but I didn't know about the dungeons. If your version is 6.1b it should be fixed

Sorry its a bit late, but had to rest after last update, took quite a bit out of me.

Major bugs are fixed, areas dissapearing, NPCs not moving, and stats like XP multiplier and SP going into the negative

Like I said in the last date going to focus on bug fixes and polish this month. So if you find something not on the changelog list please report it



Top Snapper VZ

Ive been having a blast wandering around and rediscovering things on the map. You definitely managed to make the game run better as far as i can tell. The veiw from the town gates is quite strong, and really sells the bigger open world to me. I tried to bottle up some thoughts and ideas around the overworld. Hopefully theres somthing you like. 1- you could make it so that when a player is traveling around, and thay are not on a path, that bigger more hostel enemys go after them. You already have an animation for an enemy bursting from the ground. You could even make a new animation like a puff of smoke, anything that lets them surprise the player. You could also dot in some bushes to take advantage of how thay already work. I personally love the idea of needing to choose between a chain of easier fights on the path, or few much much harder fights if i try to B-line through the trees. Plus getting to the size were the 'off path enemys' are no longer an issue would surely be a freeing point in someones play through. 2- The paths are always going to need a higher level of care. People have an expectation that a path is to be walked on, so it should at least be smooth enough for that to be believable. Also haveing somewhat regular spots where its easy to step off the path and explore would be nice. There is a gentle hill, after the bridge befor Aureas cave, on the back of that hill there is a path intersection that gets a little wibbly-wobbly'. After the wall the path that leads from the gate goes vary deep down, and it takes some walking to find a spot to step off the trail. 3- with the addition of a fast travel come the risk that players will ignore the new overworld. But i do have an admittedly round about idea that i think could help. If you were to do a big overhaul to the bounty system, it would encourage people to walk through the overworld every now and then to find them. Firstly is a new incentive; imo right now the best thing you can get is a red ability crystal or a rainbow essence, but that seems a tad extreme. But regular items are common enough to come across. Hear me out, what if turning in a bounty would reward you with some contribution to your skill trees. Like turn one in and get 20 for for your five stats (100 for the left column). There is 2000 needed to fill any given columns contributions, so anything helps. Pair this with a progresson system for bountys. Example: Second enemy has 1.05x there bace stats, and you get 22x5 contributions. Third enemy, 1.1x bace stats, and 24x5 contributions. The progression in difficulty would keep you from exclusively grinding bountys, wile also keeping it rewarding. Last part to this puzzle is to add an abundance of spots that the guilty could hide at.(the numbers used are just what sounds right in my head for the examples) 4- another way to approach the potential issues with fast travel is to simplely restrict fast travel. Every save point will always let you save, but you need to reach the criteria first. Like maby every save has a level you need to currently be above to fast travel to or from. Maby every save has a champion enemy associated with it. you got to track them down, and beat them at least once. For early game ease all the saves outside of town, but before the wall are all associated to one champion enemy. Save in town are alwase fast travel available. The obvious one is to lock fast travel behind certain story progress. Whenever the story comes in to play that is. There is also no reason this and the last idea (bountys) cant both be used at the same time. 5- right now at the big wall you can go through the docks, or walk all the way around the wall. The giant bridge is just begging for some big baddie to be blocking your path. If you add a big enemy there thay could charge a toll, so you could pay, fight, or take the walk around. Sorta similar to the wall. 7- with a bunch of minor points of interest, mainly the weapons youve placed around, it would be nice to have some sort of indication thay were there. Like a rock, stump, brick, or the grass doesn't grow in a specific shape; Just an indication that something was there, and that that spot had/has a purpose. (With #3 these sorts of things could communicate a bounty spawn location) Sorry for alwase writing so much. I really did try to think of constructive things to say. This big step was about as smooth a it could be i guess. Keep up the beautiful work.


Heya, just got to trying the hotfix out. Been exploring the overworld quite a bit and came across a champion, but for some reason they don't give any dialogue and I can't fight them. Not sure if I'm missing something, if my save is bugged, or if, ya know, it's still bugged.

Mitchell Mobley

Checked the log so I'm sorry if I missed it. But my character's appearance isn't persistent after a battle or level change. I was cycling through the different options and now no matter if I turn off an option (feathered arms for example) it returns upon changing area (fights, dungeons, etc). Just figured I'd tell you in case you weren't aware.


update is great, but i'm lagging every time a status effect is applied