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Huge update this month with the new world. Sorry it took an extra week but it was a massive amount of work. Did a lot of learning and I even properly did level design this time, starting with nodemaps blocking and everything, lots of new space for bigger growth. I am exhausted so going to take a long weekend, hotfix will be coming out a day later than usually, aiming for Wednesday the 12th and the next month I will be focusing on polish. I am definitely interested on hearing feedback for the new world. I tried to keep the filesize small but its still pretty big at 7.4gb uncompressed, hopefully I can decrease that in the future. I compressed a lot of textures so some assets might look a tad blurry.

You may need to use a new save for the new world, otherwise NPCs might get screwed up.

Focus of this month’s update is the new world. A new save may be required, otherwise NPCs might end up in random locations. It is quite a bit bigger than the old one, every area has been developed quite a bigger with more variety. New champion enemies have been added to the map, these are very large enemies that give out increased XP and loot. There still is a lot I want to add, clean up, and optimize but this will be the overworld for the final version of the game.

There has also been some optimization specficially to NPCs and foliage so hopefully even though the new overworld has a lot more in it, it won’t run any worse.



Aku Oreo

The new combat intro animations are nice but maybe add an option for people to disable them and just go back to starting combat instantly for people who want to get XP fast. Also they seem to reset my tail thickness every time I enter a fight.


definitely a good idea for the combat intro. I will try to add it but got a lot of fires to put out first.

Robert Blake

Probably easier to have the basic companions such as the original 4 to appear in a certain area in the starting town rather than scattered around the new level once they're defeated and ready to be recruited as a follower. As I was about to report that Bunshido was bugged upon not being able to find them around the beach after defeating them in the tunnel. Only to find out that they were not in the beach area at all but rather outside of the bamboo forest travel point. Another possible glitch is the Companion Points stat seems to reset back to 5 even after upgrading it with the leadership ability. I did notice it at one point showing the companion point stats showing 6/-715 when using the infinite companions from debug enabled. Not sure if it was a bug, but Aureus's dialog depending on if you're in debug mode or not in first conversation, might lead to them being unable to be recruited or if you already have full companion group when attempting to talk and recruit them.


For the boss ones I have it as a rule where they will always be at the start of their zone, that way if there isnt a save at the end you don't need to go through the entire area you can just fast travel