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Hey Teacups -

I'm so excited we're exploring short stories! Get ready to be the main character, girls and boys!

So, first things first, what's our theme?



Thank you

Jeremiah Eoff

Would the awkward fist encounter be painful? Like is this a tsundere beat em up then love them? 😅


I am sure its a typo but Fist encounter. Let it be after a fight or a brawl or something?


Wanna hear a bit of Nord wisdom? You don't really know a woman until you've had a strong drink and a fistfight with her. - Uthgerd the unbroken

sa r dran 24

*our first sleeping in the sa-* *Nani?* #TeamAkward

Agent M

I'm excited to read what you come up with TC ⚡


Fist encounter?!?


So many of these could be rolled up into one sexy awkward funny burrito.

Flux Goodra

A fist encounter? That sounds amazing! Fighters turned lovers sounds right up my alley

Phoenix Brave Hideki

There are some great choices Tea! Any of them will be good.


So, do you know yet if the story commissions will be happening? :) I know that was discussed.


Oh, you can pick multiple! O.O