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“Really, really, really, really, really?!”

She want a man in the street

But a simp in the bed.

“Oh, the compliment of all compliments! THANK YOU!”



No, but in all seriousness, I hope it's clear the girlfriend and boyfriend are NOT taking simping seriously. Simping in this context just means "yo, you HAWT"


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio



Thank you


I never imagined that I would embrace the word “simp” in my life.


Never been more proud to be a simp

sa r dran 24

*Don’t simp for anyone else* As you wish madam.


Simp means Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy. A man is only a simp if the girl he is after has a mediocre pussy, but Teacup is actually a guy named John. I will continue to donate 50% of my paycheck to Teacup because I know that it’s not simping. Tea if you see this I love you please text me back.

Iron Piedmont

Wasn't expecting to embrace "simp," but hey, here I am.


Call me old fashioned but i was raised to serve my wife. I clean the dishes and cook her food. I do whatever she says because she is my wife and she makes the rules around the house. She owns me. I am her property. If she ever cheats on me it's because i was lacking.

J.T. Packer

Gotta disagree here. Being a simpering little sycophant isn't a good thing.


I’ll admit this was cuter than hell made me giggle


I'm now terrified that everyone thinks this is serious. This is a girlfriend using wordplay. Simping in this context just means "YOU'RE HOT, MOTHER LOVER". It's just role-play, yo! ROLEPLAY :D




I can get behind this 😍 Many thanks Tea!

Mike Taylor

Ook! Ook! Ook! Oh, wait. That's chimping!


WHAT HAVE I DONE? Oh wait! It's just role-play! Never mind and thank you so much :D


I'm so proud of you seizing back a word from the toxic 14 teen year olds. No, but seriously, calling someone a simp because they exhibit common decency for a woman - WHAT A SIMP :D


Yeah, I'm a simp. S - Shut up I - And take M - My P - Money!

Davin Long

I can safely say I simp for a lotta content creators, and honestly as of now they're definitley worth Simping for, including your wonderfully wholesome yet horny self!

Emperor’s Champion

In the "2000 AD" comic, Simp was a slang term for people who walked around in Circus clothing...

Joseph Brown

You have to simp correctly. Make sure to simp wholesomely for your loving girlfriend. ❤

King Demon

My heart is gunna explode by the sheer amount of wholesomeness and cuteness this audio contains, ah! ❤️

Nathan Brown

It's fine, no "Tea" spilt here. 😉

Tommy Hiesto

Aww man my heart cannot handle this wholesomeness i'm smiling and laughing so much you are a star tea hope you have a wonderful day you wholesome Legend

Anthony Giggie

Ngl, I do be simping sometimes.


Tea: "Don't simp over anyone but me." Me: "What about Gal Gadot?" Tea: "...Fine, apart from her, that's fine. I'm heterosexual, not blind. That girl is FIIINE!" Me: "Right?!"