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Hey Teacups -

So, you may have noticed there's been a few weeks of no NSFW stuff. I felt like it was a good idea to give the sexy times a bit of a rest because, well, in all honesty, sometimes there's only so many ways you can moan into a mic. 

I never want you to feel like the audios are becoming bland or tasteless. You don't wanna be listening to an audio thinking "yeah, he shoves his cock in her. Yeah, and then she comes. Yawwwwwwn."

But, I just wanted to check in, are you liking the pure SFW stuff or would you like some sauce? 

Please let me know. I'm entirely happy with either route. Just like to keep the conversation going between us. 

You guys are the paying customers and it's important you're satisfied, whether that's in a wholesome way or a "I'm so sorry, mom" way. 

Either way, it's appreciated as fuck. 

All the best,




I quite enjoy the perfect balance you seem to always set! But if you need a break from NSFW that’s totally understandable, all your content is great regardless 🤗


Honestly, I like a bit of both. Wholesome is good. Degeneracy is good. Wholesome degeneracy... Why not? Lol At the end of the day, it's your content, Tea, and we're here for it.


Either or is fine by me


I enjoy the content no matter what it is 😳❤️ You’re amazing Tea, hope you’re doing well!

Nicki Løvstrup Hansen

I could go either way, I mostly listen to the SFW audios, very rarely to the NSFW audios. In my opinion I think you're maintaining a pretty good balance, and the most important thing for me is that you do the kind of scripts that you want to do.


I consider SFW monday NSFW wednesday SFW fryday NSFW sunday Being the perfect way but if consider it to stressful and overwhelming it's ok with one week 2 nsfw and 1 sfw and then 1 week with 2 sfw and 1 nsfw


I mean, do you like making NSFW stuff? Both the SFW and NSFW role plays are honestly fantastic, but I'd rather see (or, hear) you make content that you enjoy the process of making. But if you like moaning into a mic, might as well do it!


I'll be honest, I'm more here for the sfw stuff anyway so it doesn't bother me. A NSFW part in a series occasionally is imo the best way to go about it, as it's more about the character and story overall.

Savage Dragon

I mean I'd be lying if I said I DIDN'T become a member for the NSFW content, but I don't necessarily need it to be one or the other. The odd break here or there is totally cool. 👍

Benjamin Horton

I mean, I definitely don’t mind the wholesome content — it’s largely why I subbed to you to begin with. However, a bit of sauce every now and then would be appreciated — not constantly, but just every so often to whet the appetite. I ESPECIALLY want some sauce for the Older Sister’s Best Friend if that becomes a series 😏


Cool cool beans, my friend. I actually really enjoying doing the NSFW work stuff. I just don't want it to become predictable and bland. The sauce needs to be SAUCY, you know. So yeah, I'm with you - keep in coming, but get the balance right :D


I like both but if you feel you need a break from NSFW then I understand. However im always down for it. Its one of the reason i became a patreon to support you an lewd content. Idk if thats how everyone feels. Since you post wholsome to youtube it kinda felt like a given but maybe i took that for granted. Idk…does that make sense 😞


Maybe I’m in the minority but I don’t really engage with much of the NSFW content. Not because I think it isn’t good content or that I’m not interested in it, but it’s not the main reason why I’m here. Being horny is easy. I don’t need much help with that so I mainly listen to the NSFW audios that sound most interesting. Getting a good nights sleep and feeling like I’m not completely alone are the real challenges and Tea’s content has been a great help with that so I feel like she deserves my money for the much needed assistance.


To clarify, I don't want to stop doing NSFW stuff at all. I actually find it really fun and a great way to just be a total anime waifu (it can be really enjoyable and creative). I just don't want to make stuff that people aren't interested in. I hope that makes sense. The NSFW stuff is not stopping anytime soon. I just like to be able to ask you guys: "hey, how you feeling? What would you like to see more of?" I hope that explains it :D


Thank you


I’m kind of in the same boat as juggernaut, I also became a patron for the NSFW stuff, but since listening to a bit of the backlog I’ve found some very solid SFW ones as well. I trust your judgement if you say you need a creative break, cuz quality is 100% > quantity here.


"There's only so many ways you can moan into a mic." Lol, fair and accurate. I get that this isn't exactly a helpful response. I mean, I'm not going to *complain* about NSFW content, but I always enjoy what you release, so it's a win for me either way. Plus, the wholesome degeneracy is just more entertaining a lot of the time 😉

Don.tbother mewiththat

I Fell in love with ur content originally on youtube because of your Story telling ability later on i Discovered the lewd side of teacup audio and quickly took a liking to it aswell, but often because the 'foreplay' as in the Story Leading up to the main act, was just as enjoyable as the dirty stuff. I feel like ur content thrives on ur Story telling and if you feel forced to find something that leads to the down and dirty it can quickly lose the Prestige your Storys usually carry. These are a lot of words with me basically saying dont force urself to deliver x amount of nsfw stuff a week/ month if the creativity isnt at the right spot. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I love your audios no matter the content. They are really good for my mental state and have helped me threw some really bad days, so Thank you for all your hard work Tea you make this world a better place.


I'm in agreement I love the NSFW content but I also don't want it to become boring or unsatisfying for you and I will never be disappointed with your sfw stuff


I prefer the hour long wholesome videos. They're really relaxing.


I mean both is good.


I really enjoy the SFW stuff, and if a series evolves to have a NSFW part it makes it all the more incredible and feelsy, connecting to the characters.

Stifle -Tower27

I think most of us are in agreement that whatever you feel like posting we would still enjoy and not many would leave cuz this community is top notch!

Iron Piedmont

I really do enjoy your NSFW stuff, but, like you said, we don't want things to become repetitive around here. So make all the SFW stuff you want. And, in all honesty, I'm just waiting for you to do an audio of some sort that involves a Scottish accent.


i love your sfw content, but i do eat up your NSFW the second i see it!


In all honesty, I love both and will listen to which ever one I’m in the mood for. You do great work Tea. 💙


I like both, I don't have a favorite one, each one has its own charm and I don't care if the sfw are the majority, it has always been like that, but please keep doing nsfw...


I only joined yesterday after discovering your old youtube account got banned so i have alot of backlog to look forward too but i would love some more monster girls like the octo one both SFW and NSFW


Both. Both is good. I know I’m in good hands. Thanks Tea


Hmm... You know what you need? Some real degenerate weirdness that you can inject some wholesomeness into.


I listen for the plot


Honestly like many have said, both is good. I listen to the audios more so because they are your audios and I enjoy all of them, if a series becomes nsfw because of progression all the more power to it but in my opinion make whichever makes you the most happy

Jared Chinchello

Im good with either, but the SFW is refreshing.


Honestly, I'm really enjoying the SFW stuff. Breaks can be good.


I like both but ultimately what ever you enjoy right now good with me

Warden D.

Wait, what happens if I vote for both?

David Murphy

Both is good. Gives it more variety, I guess. By the way, it's not about how you moan, it's the story behind the moan. It's not just about the sauce, it's also about what the sauce is covering, as well. Either way, whatever you feel like uploading is good with us. We love you, Tea. 😁💗

Jeremy Knight

I could never get enough NSFW, especially if it's femdom. but I've been liking the SFW stuff.

Scarida Ghostly

I liked the mostly sfw with occasional nsfw here and there thing you had going on, but it's You, so Imma listen either way. 🖤

Samwise Thebravee

pfff if you think people would find nsfw audio bland or tasteless you're missing the point, horny mfs will take anything gladly :D


I’m honestly starving for nsfw content

Phoenix Brave Hideki

As much as I like the nsfw when I think of asmr I think of the sfw stuff. Both are amazing but im enjoying the sfw.

Felix Bagley

I’m good with both, it’s a break I barely noticed it was happening


I am paying for both because I want both, simple as that.

Gary Cieszynski

i honestly cant even pick a poll cause im honestly fine with either. im happy with any of the content you make


I actually prefer the SFW stuff. Not to say you don't do great NSFW, but i mostly ASMR for sleep and feels. Erotic is fun, and you're a great writer/VA who really sells it, but I find myself mostly coming back to the SFW for comfort. Also you make great moans and lewd sounds but I like hearing a comforting voice more often. Love everything you make either way :D

Michael Miller

In all honesty, I'm kinda in the same boat. I did end up choosing the SFW option, just because I really am enjoying the current content, but either way is fine by me.

Ben E

porque no los dos?


Both fill a very important role. Sometimes I’m feeling horny and this helps me take the edge off, but… sometimes the wholesome stuff just helps you get through the night.


I mean I love both, you do such amazing work that helps me and many others is many different ways 😊

Ryan Oneill

Should really combine the two