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The image reads:

"Guys, you can be 6'8, ripped as fuck, have a six figure salary, and still be a little bitch.  

If it ain't kind and decent, it ain't a man.   

Masculinity can be amazing and more importantly so too are the men who embody it.   

I'm here for positive masculinity!"



Galactic Gaming

Yeah! I’m a man, but I’m no Chad. I just hope someone will respect me for my kindness and humour, rather than something like money or looks

Bleak Briar

Concise and spectacular as always, dear Tea!


Agreed u can look like ripped god and still have a teddy bear soul

Nicki Løvstrup Hansen

As a man I can't take other men being jerkwads like that, if they can't be kind to anyone other than their own egoes, they don't deserve any of mine or anyone elses time.


Thank you so much! This message needs to be spread. Toxic masculinity not only turns men into terrible people, but also rips down men who won’t join in.


God made me 5'6" because if I was any taller I'd be to powerful


Alternatively known as "being a gentleman." Not chauvinistic. A gentleman. They exist, I promise. My father even taught me how. The secret starts with human decency.


Thank you


I'm an average sized everything man in everything but weight. Some how I'm flay as a board and 170 pounds.

The Jolly Dane

Kindness and decency. Yessir!

Dalton Remy

I think the manliest thing of all is being comfortable with yourself, your own interests, and telling people "fuck off" if they don't respect you or your interests.


To call yourself a man you should first be three things, able to provide for yourself and family, able to think for yourself, and most of all, you should be kind.


My Mum raised me to be a Gentleman. I'm no 6ft+ ripped dude, nor filthy rich, particularly handsome or whatever. All I got are my kindness and social awkwardness, but I'll still try my best.


As my father always said, ‘manhood is not the opposite of womanhood, it’s the opposite of boyhood.’


Not to mention that it dehumanizes men who legitimately enjoy working out, shooting guns, or just doing other things people associate with toxic masculinity

chris leiterman

Honestly "masculinity" may be socially viewed as a male who is "tall, strong, rich, never cries, ect." But what should matter is being secure enough with one's own "masculinity" to do things such as buying a "pink" & white charger cable for $1 when in need of one, willingness to "dress up" for "tea parties" with younger family members (shouldn't matter if they are a boy, girl, both, or neither), or buy & wear a "girl's jersey" that says "00 _ucks Given " on the back (one I got was black, on clearance sale of "buy 1 get 1 for $1 on all clearance clothing", and had to repeat to my friends a few times, "What dose the back say?") Half the times these days guys trying to be as "masculine" as possible seem like they are either trying to hide or over compensate for something which sometimes leads to "toxic masculinity".


Majority of that comes from how think how masculinity should be


That kind of thinking comes from women and you should be talking about how toxic masculinity isn’t real how that’s hurt boys and man

Squirrle team 6

I love this group of people we are like one big Brotherhood.


Is the reverse true of femininity?


I like that you shown a picture of Mister Rogers, the kindest man who ever lived.


Oh no, you said that on Twitter


I always tell my younger sister to avoid dating "boys". There's a difference between a Boy and a Man and its not age. Being Kind and Considerate of others is a big part of being a Man.


No one should judge anyone for their looks. Its one thing if its someone you know and your trying to help them improve themselves, its another to base your whole opinion on them on that. Keep your head high King, you are more than just your body and people will see and fall in love with your character.


Neato. So just be a decent man and there we go?


Hmm i understand and support your message in terms of how it normalises the 'good man' profile, which is a good thing to do, but i don't completely agree about how if it ain't sweet it ain't a man. There are so many counter examples i know, like many people from the military for instance, i just can't agree with your generalisation here.


I respect that there's plenty of different ways to be a man, but I didn't suggest sweet men are the only real men. I said kind and decent. I'd expect kindness and decency from everyone I have a relationship with, including women. Be tough, be manly, be a leader, or whatever the hell else you wanna be, just don't be a dick :D


hey tea i had a question will you upload free audios again i don’t have money for patreon will you do like a website or soundgasam

German Wulf3

He and bob ross were constantly giving the title of "Kindest man" back and forth because they were so kind.


That last one just feels like a good human characteristic than a manly characteristic though...


Or if you are like me, look like a teddy bear and have a teddy bear soul! 🤣


Isn't your husband 6'4" and built like a fucking machine?


He's a tall, chubby viking, but more importantly he loves his mom and he's the only man outside my family that's ever made me feel understood. Probably an overshare, but I'm in a good mood. Hope that's a good nugget to read. Have a lovely day :)