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Hey Teacups -

So, because of my current housing limbo, I only have so many audios pre-recorded on my laptop. As such, I feel it might be more interesting to keep you in suspense and not give away the titles.

That being said, voting on the audios VIBES is still happening.

Vote today. Audio out next week!

Best wishes,




best part of the voting system...you can choose literally every option


You son of a bitch, I'm in. That's the type of energy I try to live by.

Elijah King

I know voting for every option defeats the purpose, but I can't help it.


Totally didn't read the last part of the first paragraph as "...and not give away the titties." 😂

Camilo Iribarren

You daughter of a bitch! I’m in!

Mike Taylor

I hope your situation gets resolved favorably. That's one of the things that keeps me from moving to where you live.


I quite like this approach to the voting poll.


I could use some funny I had re listened to that otaku gf answering the door last night laughing and cringing the whole way


You son of a bitch, you had me with that first option. This was a nice idea to get around the limitations Tea. I really hope the housing situation is sorted for you guys soon.


No fair! "You Son of a Bitch, I'm in" option is too great NOT to vote for :P.

Thor Odinson

Confused and horny might as well be my motto to life.

David Frey

Well, since my name is Mike, I don't get Hump Day every day of the week.


I thought we were getting that milf wedding finale like 2 weeks ago


You absolutely were, but then unfortunately I had to move into a hotel and I haven't been able to record anything new since.

Warden D.

I am in fact, confused and horny. No idea what you have in store but I can't wait.