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Please, anyone, lend me your power!

Also, thank you so, so much for your patience around it. I know it's a mess, and I will absolutely sort it out during this moving stint. 

It will have series folders, it will have order, it will make sense.

I promise and swear it.

Best wishes,





*Sends all my strength virtually* No worries Tea! We know you have a lot on at the moment, no rush! ❤️


Thank you


Hooray for archives! Thank you! Hope the move isn't too stressful.


Hang in there Tea! Hopefully it'll all get better soon!


Great to hear, take your time. Also, think a couple of good ones are missing, old massage one off the top of my head


*Raises hands in the air*


It’s time to go even further beyond... *screaming while aggressively clicking and organizing*


Take all of it and sort those folders


Hope everything is going well! Take your time! ✊🏻


So, if you don’t fulfill this promise, is that when you’re gonna start doing BDSM audios in order to punish yourself?


May the rest of your year go far far far smoother.


Raises hands*

Iron Piedmont

I hope this moving situation is doing alright. Best wishes.

The Jolly Dane

You can do it, Tea! Organize dem subby audios! They WANT to be labeled and put into folders, they're begging for it! Grant their wish, gracious Tea!


It means a lot that you think about us so much when there's so much else on your plate. Take your time, we're not going anywhere. I know this is probably something you hear a lot of, so I'll just wrap it up with Thank You.


I thought we were suppose to get that marry milf asmr video like 2 weeks ago. I feel bad she’s going through this yet it feels inconsistent


Sending some right now hope it helps <3


✋🏿✋🏿Take my energy Tea


Thank you Tea. You are the best, keep it up. Thinks will gets better. 👍🤟👏🎊🎉🙌🙌🙌


That was supposed to come out two weeks ago, but then I didn't have time to record it before I had to vacate myself and my family out of my house. It's all been a whirlwind of messes, and I very much appreciate your patience :)


*raises arms up* I know you'll be able to use this energy from across the planet. Put it to good use, Tea...


Y'all like Dragon Ball?!

Dalton Remy

Praise the sun 👐


Were cheering for you Tea!! *raises hands*


Omg, this was the most inspiring thing I read all day (even though I suspect that was not your intention). Remember guys, even if something seems like just pointless screaming for hours on end, add some music and hair extensions and you know something epic will come out on the other side. So sure, take my strength! *Raises hands*

Out of Character

Please take all the energy you need!


You've got this!! We are all counting on you!!!


I’m here for the DBZ reference! 🙌🏻 Bulma or Chi-Chi roleplay anyone?? With all our strength, Tea is going...even further...beyond!!

sa r dran 24

🙌🙌🙌🙌 sending you all my support

Timothy Shaw

Personally I feel a picture of goku gathering together the spirit bomb would have been better


This is it. This is the point in my life where I'm being sassed about Dragon Ball images. Mother, I have MADE IT :D


Using this picture is amazing love you for it

chris leiterman

I know how stressful, exhausting, and time consuming it can be trying to reorganize and archive. Especially when you have the bad habit of just letting it all pile up.

Maxfield Grassy

Remember, the stronger the icon of sin remains on earth, the stronger it will become!


~ take my energy ~

senior fluffy

At you disposal my liege


𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙤 𝙞𝙩! 🤍🍵💚

Connor Boetzkes

Can't wait for your stuff to come back. I absolutely love your content and you've helped me more then you can imagine.


Sending you all the spirit bomb energy Tea! Here's hoping the archive doesn't have over 9000 entries. Go even further beyond!


Sending goooood vibes


You can do it Tea! We believe in you!


Summoning the strength? Of mayhem?

Tommy Hiesto

🙌 Time for tea to go super Wholesome

Damian WhiteHorse

I just saw that and I imagined Tea just at her computer organizing and being like "And this... is to go... even further... beyond!!" And her husband is just "the fuck" but I know you can do it Tea!


And this is to go even further beyond!

Joseph Brown

Tea, you rock. Thank you so much for your efforts.


This... This is why we love you🤣💖