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Happy Monday, Teacups!

So here's the announcement: I'm starting a brand new series called Odyssey. As you can imagine, the series is a Sci-Fi adventure exploring the relationships between Commander T and her crew as they set off to find a new home. I know how keen many of you have been for a sci-fi story and I'm more than happy to provide you with one.

But here's my question - in each instalment would you like to the be the same listener or role-play as different characters each time? I see pros and cons to be both sides, but your thoughts would be most appreciated.

The series is scheduled to start next week! Please get excited and let me know your thoughts.

Also, all credit goes to the wonderful Nespit for her sensational interpretation of Commander T. Please check her out on Tumblr. She is a true queen:


All the best,

Teacup x




I'd say the same person


I think you should do a one character story arc, but have multiple other characters as one shots on the side, maybe even a villain or an alien.

Warden D.

I personally think being a different listener each time would be really cool.


Same person, like being the second in command or somthing


As much as I like listening to a lot of your audios as if they are the same person on both ends I think it would be fun if the listener was a different person/alien in each installment. Obviously can't go wrong with either option though.


One person


love this idea. the way i would like to see it would be something akin to have most of the instalments have commander to talking to a specific listener and then have the one shot side stories that may not be has fully developed be with other characters. but that's just my idea on how you could do it. it's up to you in the end. either way i'm can't wait to see how to do it.


One person, it makes a lot easier to follow


I'd prefer it to be one person. Not too picky either way, though.

Connor Kidd

I'd prefer a single character, but maybe you could do smaller side episodes for other characters.


Single character, but either idea sounds good.


I'd say same person


I think it being mostly one character but with occasional one shots with other characters would be best, but that is a lot of work so if I had choose one or the other; same character each time is my favourite.


I think having one consistent point of view would make for a smoother narrative.


I think I would like to see it for the same characters perspective.


My head canon is that the Captain's Full name is Jaesa T Kup of the Starship Inspirize. Because references and word play are fun. Also, I like the idea of miniseries focused on one listener character at a time.


One person, single character please. Helps my brain with the immersion. Otherwise my subconscious would always associate you with one particular character and thus breaking the narrative. At least for me.


I say go for one character. It helps with immersion and makes me feel more part of the story.

Billy Denton

Probably the same character. Maybe someone who's new to the ship? It gets done a lot, but it gets done a lot because it works, right?


One person please


Role-play as different characters, let's not limit the story to two people

Ballistic Gnome

I think you could do a nice middle ground. Vary the characters, but keep the pool small enough that characters can be repeated and can build deeper relationships.


Vary the characters -game of throne style. Have a primary focus on a couple but I think that the universe is more lived in when you get to see the different perspectives :)