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So, what shall we have for our Friday audio?

Romance, fantasy, drama, all three and more? I'm all ears. Leave a comment and we'll have a poll tomorrow to decide. 

Best wishes,



🌶P.S. I could be moving this week. And that could very well mean that Frisky Friday's could be back as soon as Friday the 19th of April. Fingers crossed, Teacups🌶 



You ever see transformers or the new bumblebee movie. How about one about an alien robot, or just an alien in general. With the guy finding them like there backyard or something


Looking forward to more patreon content! I think fantasy would be nice personally, but anything is great!


Best friend helps u move house but ur moving from somewhere u don't wanna move from they (gender neutral) make it fun with cute dancing and jokes etc. Leads to a friends to lovers situation with a make out session of course ❤️❤️


Romance is definitely a must


I think it would be cute to have a romance where the listener is just a so oblivious to tea flirting with them... Like the they think oh she's just a really nice person that's almost always around to help them out.


A casual date role play would be nice, you know just like teasing each other over some take out (and maybe alcohol) that could move to romance or drama or both.


Maybe the listener catches Tea undressing? There could be teasing that leads to makeout?


Super Confident Athlete Tea hits on a guy and gets flustered because he turns down all the dates she suggests. "Don't you know who I am?!" Maybe she finally lands the date when she loses her temper and says 'please'. Something silly like that.


Part three of the pirate and prince is what i want to see. If you have an idea how it would go of course.


Shy guy and shy tea


Queen and protector part 2! dealing with what happened after


Actully I don't know if you've ever done a tsundere before would like to hear how you'd do in a role like that


Alien abduction

Matt G

I was literally going to suggest this idea. I’m so glad someone else had the same idea as I was asleep when this was posted.