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What's your unpopular opinion? 




Cheese and 2min noodles are Delicious fight me


When you get a loaf of bread the end piece is the best


I don’t like the walking dead or games of thrones, I think there over rated.


Whilst I still love GOT and loved the earlier season of TWD, I have to admit that they are over-hyped. I realise I'm part of the problem, but they have a special place in my heart :)

Persona of the People

Having a perfect Hollywood romance is overrated...I want the kind of relationship where we both are weird but we love each other anyway...


You can be conservative and still be a kind person.


We lie constantly to people, telling them that having a "career" is the single most important thing. More than 90 percent of people do not have a talent and will not have a "career". Parents have failed, but hey again.. opinion stuff right

Billy Denton

Nihilism is a perfectly valid axiology, people are just scared to admit they might be right


More people need to realise this. Liberal, conservative, whatever... just be kind <3


When people get to levels of stupidity where they start to become dangerous to other, we should be allowed to give them a high-five....on the head....with a chair.....(but i'm working in the vaccine industry, so maybe i'm just dealing with to much of them)


Shouting at each other on social media does literally nothing to solve the problems we are yelling about. 😂😂😂


I agree. I think it would be more helpful to be told that you can have a good life if you work hard. People perpetuate the idea that we can all be whatever we want to be. But in reality we are limited to what we are naturally good at it. I think it would make a difference to focus on finding out what makes you fundementally happy and then looking at proactive ways to achieve that general sense of contentment.


On a lighter note? I believe hot dogs are sandwiches.


Everyone has their own way of coping with life. If it suits you and it has no negative impact on anyone else - I say go for it.


I'm tempted to believe in Social Darwinism, but my empathy levels are too strong. XD I know the feeling though! 😉😂


Kinda surprising considering the negative reactions I get to this in general from people I know. Mine is treat everyone with respect, people are people and not objects, do what you can and don't be a dick. I know that's a few but the amount of people I have in my life who take offence to these simple thing are astounding.


You monster!!! Just kidding ^^ is it really badly viewed? (I have never thought about the subject...just eating it :p )


Well, I feel sorry for these people and applaud you for doing what you should. Some say respect is reserved for a select few, others will say we need to do MORE MORE MORE SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS. I say you have the right idea. 😂


I know this is specifically for unpopular opinions, but I'm still worried about sharing this: I don't like Harry Potter. I didn't think the books were interesting and the movies were kind of boring. Harry isn't even a good main character, he's just extremely lucky.


Not being close to your family isn't inherently bad

William P. Esping

I don’t cut the crust off of my sandwich bread


Something I learned from my grandfather (R.I.P.) rich people are rich, and poor people are poor because they choose to be. Your upbringing, education nor your job determine your outcome in life. People are broke simply because they don't use any financial sense and refuse to live within their means. Take me for example I filled just under 18000 for my taxes this year and despite that, If I wanted, I could have gone on 3 separate 2week long cruise's and never once gone into debt.


My unpopular opinion is this, and it's a tough one: I believe in survival of the fittest. We are enough people on the planet as it is. Now that it is possible to test for defects like Down's Syndrome in fetuses I think that they should not be allowed to be born. I mean why even do it to the kid? It's never going to have a normal life. I think it sad and selfish to bring such a child into an already overpopulated world.


You are allowed to say no to things you don't want to do. I know too many people who can't understand this, and can't say "No".


That while you're entitled to have your fantasies, nobody is required to indulge them and if someone tries to force you to indulge theirs', you are well within your rights to tell them to *insert preferred swear word(s)* off.


Sorry buddy I think we all deserve our chance, just because it's not a normal life doesn't make it less of a life. At the same time I think we should be allowed to check out when we want to, if you don't want to be here anymore that's fine just make sure it's what you really want.


Having certain advantages over someone doesn't make you better than them. Being smarter or stronger or even taller than someone else doesn't prove anything, there are more skills to life that people possess and they should all be treated equally, there will always be someone out there who can do something you can't, and likewise something you can do that they can't, but we should all be treated with the same amount of respect nonetheless.


Northern Ireland should leave the UK and reunify with the Republic of Ireland.


if someone punches me, I'll strike back no matter if man or woman....

Richard Hardslab

Being a man in western society today means you are a part of a lesser class.

Joshua Workman

There are too many people in the world and Thanos was onto something. That wouldn't do anything about stupidity, but it would solve a lot of other problems.


Being in your 30s and never having a relationship and / or sexual experience (or very little) makes you a bad person and socially unacceptable


Sorry mate but i strongly disagree. I hope u just mean through society eyes and not ur own eyes they r a bad person? Nobody is a bad person cause they want to wait. Maybe i misunderstood you?


I've never watched game of thrones

King Kawaii Kun

Group therapy is not a good way to help with mental illness. Figuring it out one-on-one with a therapist is the best way to self reflect and work to a conclusion. (I actually don't know if this unpopular, but people keep telling me that group therapy is the best way)


Beth don't worry about that, I've done security for game of thrones and I've never seen an episode either, Truth be told a lot of the security force for G.O.T. have never watched it.

Todd Carney

We can never have too many comic book superhero movies and shows. In fact, we need more! We definitely need more superheroines, and we should have every race, gender and persuasion represented. Also: more secret identities! That's my favorite part, and too often everyone in the story knows the hero or heroine's real name. What's up with that?!


#MeToo has become a weapon, for women, erases male victims, refuses to acknowledge them, ignores trans victims, or belittles them. Has completely ruined the lives of so many with not a day in court over public opinion and fear of losing fans/viewers by TV/Film production studios and related employers. Wrecking the lives of people blamed and then cancel cultured and shamed over unproven accusations and those who defend people accused being doxed, death threats, and more.


No group is beyond corruption. Often well meaning motivations can be pulled into their extremes and lose it's way. And it happens with alarming frequency. It can happen to anyone on the individual level as well so always strive to be self aware.


Harry Potter is lame AF and I've never watched a full movie/read a book. I always get bored very quickly and switch off/fall asleep!


A Song of Ice and Fire is a meandering, over-written mess that would have benefited from someone slapping GRRM and telling him to write it from the perspective of one or two characters. And an editor who didn't indulge his over-descriptive bullshit of women's bodies.


Violence isn't the only answer but it is the finale one. Unfortunately the world is a bad place and there are individuals and groups that make it worse. These people cannot and do not want to be reasoned with. Sometimes a bullet is the best solution to a problem.


Hi Beth, yes, i was indeed referring to the (assumed) opinion of society. I do have my flaws, of course. Does that make me a bad person? No, of course not. While i struggle with anxiety and sometimes depression i know that i do have my worth; that i am worth living. For one reason or another. I might be socially awkward but i don't do harm to people; quite the opposite for i'm trying to walk with open eyes through life and help people whenever i can. And as for my point regarding the sexual experience: some people wait, others don't. They want to have, want to share this unique experience but for various reasons aren't able to. And to my understanding, those people are seen by society as something abnormal. Sorry for the confusion i've caused!


I actually liked the Shark Tale movie. I also didn’t think CN REAL was that bad of an era