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Re-uploaded in celebration and support of World Suicide Prevention Day 2018! #WSPD2018


'Promise me. Promise me, you'll let me help you.'


This audio came from a commission request and I simply felt it might be of use to others.


As someone who has always struggled with her mental health, I truly hope I've done a good job on this one, Teacups.

I have quoted this once already today, but it feels appropriate to do so again:

'I wish I could tell you it gets better. It doesn't get better. You get better.'

~ Joan Rivers

Let's keep on and get better.

I hope the audio helps, in any, small way.

In the meantime, please look after yourselves and each other.

All my love,





Its a special place in my heart when people like you create this content. A friend of mine's birthday just passed last weekend and it has been almost two years (November) when that person decided to leave this mortal coil. I wish I was there for that person. 'Experts' call what happens afterward the five stages of grief, but the truth is that the five stages are always a jumble and can crop up at any time no matter how long ago the pain of the loss happened. If you ever think of doing one based on having a friend who has to deal with that type of loss I'm sure that it would be appreciated by a multitudes of people.

Sebastian S

I have been having trouble with my mental health for almost eight years now and I’m not going to deny that I have had thoughts about taking my life, but In almost all of the times that I have been considering it I have stopped myself from doing it thanks to one thing and that is that if I left this world I am convinced that I would be ruining the life for so many people that I care for and I just can’t bring myself to do that to them even if it means that I have to suffer the daily struggle that is constantly trying to break me. What it comes down to is that I am so thankful that people like you exist Tea for it helps me continue walking forward, by listening to your audios I am able to find some form of peace in this raging infernal storm that is my life. So once again thank you.

Neil Winter

Only time can heal the mental and physical wounds life has given you, but the scars always remain. Bearing them is true strength in a person. Talking about it shows even greater strength and character because while it may not heal you, it shows you are willing to take the first steps in recovery aided by those who truly love you. And please take care of yourself, because someone out there really loves and cares about you. Of course this for most of us is easier said than done, but simply finding someone who will listen and talk with you when you're at your lowest point is easier than you think


Those who suffer from mental illness are stronger than you think. We must fight to go to work, care for our families, be there for our friends, and act ‘normal’ while battling unimaginable pain.


I'm not one for words, this made my night seem a bit better. Thank you.