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First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to give such detailed and warm ideas. You guys never fail to leave me with a huge smile.

The Changes:

Now the main message that I received was that you'd like more Spicy audios (who would've guessed?!). 🌢🌢🌢

As such, I've decided that we're going to have a SPICY AUDIO EVERY FRIDAY! (Lord have mercy on my soul and mind). (Also, I actually saw that CardlinAudio already uses the phrases 'Spicy Audio' and 'Spicy Friday' for his content. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, so we should think of a different phrase.... maybe Fiery Friday! Open to any suggestions on that front!)

Now whilst that is amazing it also eats into my time. So, I wanted to propose that we cut something in exchange for the Spiciness. Logically speaking I think ditching the monthly audio rewards would be the best bet. You guys also commented that you preferred longer audios over shorter ones, and seeing as how the audio rewards were only a few minutes long I think it would serve dual purpose to cut them and focus on longer, more intimate audios. 

Of course, nothing is set in stone, but I wanted to be honest and say that my time is limited. I want to make sure I'm making the best use of it and give you what you want.

Furthermore, cutting the monthly audio rewards would allow me to focus on longer story pieces, which again is something that a lot of you said you preferred over separate, short audios. This would also work in favour of the lower tiers as it means they're gaining access to more minutes and more character focused stories. 

The Keeps:

- We will still be having polls about the choices of audios. You guys have every right to decide what you listen to.

- Tea's Finest will still received their 2-3 minute personalised audios.


Please let me know your thoughts. All suggestions will be read and considered.


P.S. Please enjoy a sneak peak of new art. The blue silhouette will be revealed fully in October. And just to let you know, she's a Zombie-fighting, ball-buster! 





Jacob Griffith

Yeah this all sounds good. Looking forward to it!


This is the brightest timeline boys. Every choice you made was the best it could be.


I'm honestly confused how the tiers would function now. can someone enlighten me, i'm quite dumb.


A spew of suggestions for replacing 'Spicy Friday': Fiery Friday, Flirty Friday, Filthy Friday, Faithful Friday, Fervent Friday, Fem Friday, Flawless Friday... let me know if any of these work. Or leave a suggestion of your own <3


I would still love non-scripted audios where you talk about things and drink tea, like the old Patreon name videos. But I'm happy with the changes so far :)


Sounds good to me! (Flirty, feisty, fiery they all work)


Hey. I will be doing more 'improv' girlfriend audios where the couple just talks about random things. Hope that's a compromise cause I'm really boring and I wouldn't know what to say as me :D

Holden Gladden

I'd go with flirty friday. I think filthy Friday would be more fitting I find it hard to consider anything you work on as filthy so yeah I vote flirty friday.

Holden Gladden

I'm definitely happy with longer story audios. The additional erotic audios are just an added bonus.


I like it πŸ‘


I think martin is on to something with Flirty Fridays

Warden D.

I like the sound of Fervent Friday.


Flirty Fridays seems a solid get. While i will miss the monthly audios, I am equally excited to see your long form content and am more than happy myself to see Tea 2.0. All board the hype train! CHOO-CHOO!


Woman, if i could i would hug you. :-) No no, seriously: sounds all really good to me. Thank you and thanks for the update. And as i wrote: we all know how important the community is for you but at the end of the day you are still a human being with your own problems, needs and worries. Just please don't overdo it and take a breather if necessary. btw.: what about <i>Frisky Friday</i>, <i>Naughty Night</i>, <i>Luscious Last-Day of the Week</i> or <i>Sensual Serenity</i>. No? I wouldn't vote for any of them either. :-) Although i like <i>Sensual Serenity</i>


This all sounds good tea, frisky Friday or feisty Fridays sound cool. Keep up the work :)


Yes yes yes that’s exactly the outcome I wanteeeeeed. This is going to help me cope so much. Thank you Tea!


f r e a k y f r i d a y

Richard Hardslab

I forgot to vote, but I'm very happy with the outcome!


Just dont over work yourself


I love the idea and I'm excited to make the trade off.


all i have to say is make sure you dont overwork yourself. this sounds like... a lot.