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Selina watched his hairy balls sway, loaded down with cum, and she tickled their stringy hair as a little reminder to Bruce that she was letting him use her. She wouldn’t in the future if she left this room anything but completely satisfied.

After what seemed to her like an hour, his cock started jerking, showing signs of being something other than stony hardness. He kept pumping it in and out of her mouth, ramming it into her throat with a callous assumption that Selina would be able to swallow it. She barely could. Her lips were stretched taut around his girth and her throat actually parted before it, while her tongue vainly licked at his throbbing masculinity.

She thought she might make him come before he permanently lodged himself in her gullet, but Selina didn’t know if she could force Bruce to do anything he didn’t want to do—even if she wished to put an end to this sexual brutalization. And she didn’t.

It turned her on to have such a powerful strength fucking her mouth, rigid and pulsing away, making use of her and rewarding her with the taste of musky precum. Her head bobbed faster and faster, taking his cock deeper even than he was trying to shove it into her.

Bruce loosened his grip on her hair and, with a satisfied sigh, allowed her to suck him off all on her own. Selina still gagged, but she did it to herself. Whining with the force of her own lust. She reached to her throat and felt how it bulged with the heft of Bruce's erection; the moment she did, a pang of lust went through her cunt. She looked to Tracey with her jade-green eyes, wondering if the platinum blonde was envying her, jealous of how much Selina could take of such an indomitable force.

Selina worked her tongue all around the burgeoning tip of his cock, hurrying his arousal along, wanting only to taste the hot river of his cum. Her mouth bobbed and twisted and slurped all up and down his length. Bruce’s erection jerked and throbbed; the more she sucked it, the more it bucked in her mouth.

She took him in so deep he bashed against the back of her throat, but that only made her suck him harder. Without even thinking, Selina grabbed the base of his cock, where her lips couldn’t reach without making a special effort. She squeezed that hulking meat and he throbbed even more furiously.

With her thief’s fingers curled around his heaving mass, she jerked Bruce off, using both her hand and her mouth to urge him into erupting. Her head bobbed up and down while her hand jerked the same way, treating all of his cock to her attention, focusing all of it on the taste of his prick and the pending arrival of his jism.

Bruce rolled his hips gently, giving her just enough thrust to impale her sucking mouth on his thick cock. It was the kind of slow undulation that would usually be her move during sex, not the frenzy of sucking and pumping, fucking herself on his cock like she was doing. But Selina didn’t want to lie to Tracey.

This was what Bruce did to her. She couldn’t play it cool when she was out to please the man. It was humiliating, but she sorta liked it. After all the time she’d spent looking down on Ivy and Harley for their mutual sluttiness, she was a bigger whore than they could ever manage. And proud that she had a man who could reduce her to that; they had him too and Selina had seen the outright animals Bruce could make out of them… far lower than the bitch in heat she was now…

Selina felt the first tiny sample of his warm cum leak onto her tongue. She tightened her lips around his cock like she would never let it leave her mouth, while her tongue darted all over Bruce’s cockhead. She worked the tip of it into his glanshole, sure that any moment, she would get a geyser out of him…

“That’s enough,” Bruce told her, his hand palming her forehead, pushing Selina back until his cock emerged from her mouth. “I’ve fucked you plenty. I’ve got somewhere else to come.” And he turned to Tracey, his cock proceeding him so that it aimed at her like an accusing finger.

Tracey was so stunned by what she’d seen, so overwhelmed by the vehemence of Selina’s blowjob and how Bruce’s massive cock still absolutely dominated the exchange, that she didn’t consciously think that Bruce was propositioning her. Didn’t consider even the possibility of saying no.

She simply rolled onto her back and threw her legs into the air. A moment later, the thought that the gesture might be mistook for something else, anything else, occurred to her, and she forced words into her dry mouth in a panic.

“Shag me, guv, shag me bloomin’ rotten! Give me that big todger and see if it all don’t fit in me teensy quim! Just don’t hold nothing back! Let me have it like your bird got it and see if you ever take it out!”

Bruce grunted his amusement. “A woman who knows what she wants,” he said mockingly, as if dubious as to whether she could take all she had asked for.

“But not what she’s in for,” Selina added, sharing a smile with her man. “Okay, Tracey, let’s consider this an audition. We know you can hench for the Penguin. Now let’s see if you can handle a real man.”

Tracey didn’t think to ask what she was auditioning for. She knew—not consciously—but on some level. This wasn’t about a job or even about a relationship. Not even about sex. It was about being his mate. Selina had shown her what it would take. Now they would see if Tracey had it in her; if she could take having it put in her.

Tracey winced, feeling his lengthy erection drag over her inner thigh. Bruce’s breath was calm and cool, breaking against her face without any of the heat she felt down inside her thighs. Bruce took charge without any discussion, simply moving her knees apart, kneeling between her legs, opening her labia lips, then pressing his cockhead into that warm slit.

Tracey turned limpid, almost dazed within his grasp. She felt like she’d taken a drug and it’d finally hit her brainstem. The preliminaries were over—everything she’d done with Selina a mere sideshow—this was sex and it dwarfed anything she’d ever done in bed before.

“Cor blimey, motherfucker, go easy! Your lady love had herself a fine time with that minge already! And you’ve more than a Christian share yourself, my son!”

“If it’s too hard for you,” Bruce growled, “then do something to soften it up.”

“OOOOHH!” Tracey gasped. His stiffness was like a stone bludgeon, suddenly replacing all the comfortable emptiness in her narrow slit with intense, passionate, hurting fullness. “Wot am I supposed to do with that gobstopper that yer gooseberry pudding ain’t tried right in front of me not two shakes ago, eh!?”

Drawing himself out of her, Bruce watched how the lovely vixen shook, her curvaceous body jiggling both with relief and deprivation, a frantic wish to have him back inside her even as the pain faded. Terse as he appeared, Bruce did relish the sight of her pale breasts, her slender waist and fulsome hips, her long sculpted legs. His cock ached to ram inside her until his balls were emptied of their boisterous load.

He held himself a fraction of an inch away from her slit. Steadying his erection with one hand, he lowered his massive body down onto Tracey’s slender frame. His cock forced the opening and she accepted him despite her tightness, Bruce gritting his teeth and shutting his eyes against the pressure to come. Selina’s mouthjob had left him plenty tender and Tracey’s unlikely tightness was liable to finish the job if it weren’t for his own control.

“Gravel and grit, yer big!” Tracey cried out painfully. “Aah! Oh, I’m gettin’ it, I’m gettin’ it!”

Selina perched beside her, intent as any curious cat on the pained pleasure flushing Tracey’s face. She wiped some of the sweat from the Cockney’s brow. “Pengy not get you ready for this?”

Tracey babbled, made even more vocal than usual by the suffering she was trying to bear. “Grumble and grunt, you’re puttin’ an ache in me! Gypsy Nell! Ozzie, ‘e don’t like us dating around! Wants—nnhh!—wants everyone thinking we’re ‘is bloomin’ harem! So we don’t—GHHH!—don’t get no spunk unless a bloody great horse cock like yours comes around! FUCK! Only now I’m not hardly ready for it, Jimmy Nail!”

“You’re ready,” Bruce told her, and ground his stiffness into the soft folds of her sex. The tiny opening stretched and gave and finally slipped over his engorged cockhead, closing tightly behind the bellend and sliding down his shaft as he fed it to her.

Even Bruce had to groan. Tracey felt as soft and tender as a virgin—hotter and tighter even than Selina had made herself. He would enjoy himself with her, despite the mission. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, like breaking in an untested cunt.

He tightened his buttocks and forced more of himself into her barely able pussy, then gasped aloud, feeling the contraction all around his surging prick—Tracey struggling to take him even more than he was trying not to come in her exquisitely tight sex.

Bruce paused for a moment, with her growing accustomed to his side and him getting used to the pressure he would have to manage inside her. Then he drove into her determinedly, her moist arousal juicing the way for both of them. He was taking her, demanding all of her, but gently. Pulling Tracey’s nerves taut, but not making them snap. Not yet.

He wanted her to understand she was being broken, feel it happen, not black out in an orgasmic haze like some of the women he’d inducted. Maybe that was why some of them kept being so unmanageable.

Selina leaned over to whisper in Tracey’s ear. “You could fuck half of Gotham City and I don’t think you’d be ready for that cock.”

Then Bruce absolutely railed her, impaling her with one shattering blow after another. “UNN! UNHH! HNNNGH!” he grunted, Tracey squealing underneath him.


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